The Student Room Group

university of Edinburgh

My experience at the university of Edinburgh was horrible and the university is not that you think off and I wouldn't go there.
Original post by username45313
My experience at the university of Edinburgh was horrible and the university is not that you think off and I wouldn't go there.

Are you able to elaborate a little? What about your experience there was "horrible"?
Original post by username45313
My experience at the university of Edinburgh was horrible and the university is not that you think off and I wouldn't go there.

Indeed, was it just the unfortunate fact that you met one or two idiots who made you feel unwelcome? This can happen at any university, including Harvard. Or was the course poorly taught?
Original post by username45313
My experience at the university of Edinburgh was horrible and the university is not that you think off and I wouldn't go there.

Was the feedback terrible?

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