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Coworker got another raise while I am still stuck with very average salary

I know I will be hammered for this post but I truly want to get it off my chest. I know I am probably wrong, I know.

I have been working in this company for 6 months now. Four months in, boss called me in his office and talked about me getting a raise 6 months in, how I am doing amazing etc etc. The raise will probably be small, let's say about 100$ (in my country its not bad). I truly appreciate this. I think these days he will talk to me about it.

Then there is my friend. She has been in the company for 2 years vs 6 months me. After 1 year, she got 100$ raise. Now, after 2 years, she got another 150$.

Now, I know getting a raise only 6 months in is very rare and I really really appreciate it.

However I can't help myself but feel bad. I know I am making bad comparisons, my friend has been there for 2 years while I have only been for 6 months (she started with the same money as I started, difference is she got a raise after a year instead of six months).

I don't want to sound like a bad guy, I really don't, but I feel like the amount of work we produce is not the same. Half of the time she is on the phone arguing with her boyfriend or checking the news on her PC. While I am pretty much always doing work and focused. Again, I love her, I have known her for ages and I really really appreciate her. But truth is she is often doing much much less.

To not sound like a bad guy, my other co worker is doing A LOT and he deserves every bit of the salary he makes (which is much more than us and fairly so).

TL;DR Today I got to know about her raise but instead of being happy, I kind of felt like ****. I am not sure if I am just a **** person with unrealistic expectations, but these are my feelings..I feel like we are treated the same, that despite all the work I put it mainly and all comes down to how long one has been in the company which makes me extremely disappointed.
I think it may be helpful to focus on building on your knowledge and skills, to create a portfolio of evidence to highlight your acheivements
Right, reading through this one thing that repeatedly jumps out is you KNOW you're not being fair.

As you say, being considered for a raise after 6 months is very rare but to then start taking the hump because people who have been there years have had more raises is pretty arrogant and presumptive about your own value. For all we know your friend simply works smarter and has more time to relax, after all if there work simply isn't getting done you'd think someone would notice. A sad fact is that quietly being a martyr to your workload often doesn't get rewarded, you just get given other peoples work as well.
Does the coworker has a significantly more experience than you, or there are additional duties attached to their work? If yes, then that could be the reason. Have you considered asking your superior casually? Something like “I recall we discussed a pay rise when I hit the 6-month point—just curious if that’s yielded any news?” Sometimes they may just require a reminder. How's everything else? Do you enjoy the work?

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