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Do universities accept gcse resits for pharmacy??

hello guys, I am currently a year 12 student and i am thinking of applying to do pharmacy in uni. in my actual gcses I achieved a grade 4 in English language and a grade 5 in maths. I resat English language and achieved a grade 5 as the minimum requirement for pharmacy is a 5 in most unis. I will be retaking maths in May/June as some unis want a grade 6, but should I retake English language again bc some unis want a 6?? im also scared that retaking English again will lower my chances of getting into uni as I've read that unis like Sheffield dont accept retaking the same subject twice.

Any advice would be much appreciated xx
Original post by Mariam_mah00
hello guys, I am currently a year 12 student and i am thinking of applying to do pharmacy in uni. in my actual gcses I achieved a grade 4 in English language and a grade 5 in maths. I resat English language and achieved a grade 5 as the minimum requirement for pharmacy is a 5 in most unis. I will be retaking maths in May/June as some unis want a grade 6, but should I retake English language again bc some unis want a 6?? im also scared that retaking English again will lower my chances of getting into uni as I've read that unis like Sheffield dont accept retaking the same subject twice.
Any advice would be much appreciated xx

I wouldn't recommend retaking English again as most unis do accept a 5 at GCSE. It would be helpful for you to research which unis accept resits, but most of them do
Original post by Mariam_mah00
hello guys, I am currently a year 12 student and i am thinking of applying to do pharmacy in uni. in my actual gcses I achieved a grade 4 in English language and a grade 5 in maths. I resat English language and achieved a grade 5 as the minimum requirement for pharmacy is a 5 in most unis. I will be retaking maths in May/June as some unis want a grade 6, but should I retake English language again bc some unis want a 6?? im also scared that retaking English again will lower my chances of getting into uni as I've read that unis like Sheffield dont accept retaking the same subject twice.
Any advice would be much appreciated xx

Hey!! Don’t worry, I emailed the University of Sheffield about GCSE resits before, and they confirmed they accept them. They replied saying there are no limits on the number of resits, as long as the required grades are achieved!
Original post by zaranoorrrzbsj
Hey!! Don’t worry, I emailed the University of Sheffield about GCSE resits before, and they confirmed they accept them. They replied saying there are no limits on the number of resits, as long as the required grades are achieved!

Oh really? thank you so much for replying, this made me feel a lot better as I was actually hoping of going to Sheffield.
thanks again!
Original post by PharmacyCat
I wouldn't recommend retaking English again as most unis do accept a 5 at GCSE. It would be helpful for you to research which unis accept resits, but most of them do

Thank you so much for the advice, I will definitely do more research on Unis and if they accept resits.
Thanks for replying!
Original post by Mariam_mah00
Oh really? thank you so much for replying, this made me feel a lot better as I was actually hoping of going to Sheffield.
thanks again!

Your welcome! Im hoping of going to sheffield too! Good luck
Reply 6
Original post by Mariam_mah00
Thank you so much for the advice, I will definitely do more research on Unis and if they accept resits.
Thanks for replying!

Be in mind that for medicine gcse resits are accepted (only one resit) same with a levels but this is medicine at Sheffield but all courses are fine with that!!
(edited 6 days ago)
Original post by Logic1
Be in mind that for medicine gcse resits are accepted (only one resit) same with a levels but this is medicine at Sheffield but all courses are fine with that!!

Thank you for replying! I did some research and emailed some unis about their requirements. Just waiting for them to reply back.

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