The Student Room Group

What is best time to book a uni interview

I applied for children nursing and I was curious as to whether I should book my interview in the morning or the evening. Does it make a difference?
Hey, :hi:

Congratulations in securing a interview for child nursing!

In regards to when is best to book your interview slot this is entirely up to you, it does not make a difference.

It is best to look at your availability of whether a morning or evening is best for you.

Have a think about if you perform at you best in the morning or evening.

In the morning you will be fresh and awake and sometimes people perform best in the morning.

However, if you book in the evening you can prepare during the day and ensure that you have everything in your mind that you want to say.

This is your decision, just have a think considering the above.

In preparation for your interview check out this post that gives you generic interview advice, specific healthcare interview advice and how to manage interview anxiety:

I hope this helps and good luck! :thumbsup:
My first interview for children's nursing was in the afternoon. I was scared and panicking the whole day. 3 of my other interviews were in the morning and i have to say although it was scary that it was booked so early, it really does help calm my nerves as i get to be done and over with it very quickly and move on with my day.
Reply 3
Original post by liveloveleyla
My first interview for children's nursing was in the afternoon. I was scared and panicking the whole day. 3 of my other interviews were in the morning and i have to say although it was scary that it was booked so early, it really does help calm my nerves as i get to be done and over with it very quickly and move on with my day.
Do you have any tips for the interviews
Regarding timing, I'd avoid afternoon slots as you will usually give yourself too long to stress over it. Morning appointments are good so long as you give yourself a good amount of time to get there including possible delays.
Original post by risasakura
Do you have any tips for the interviews

Make sure you have done your research and studying about children nursing.
Read over your personal statement as you may be asked something about it as part of your interview.
Try your best not to be very nervous but the interviewer will be prepared for people being nervous and will do there best to make you feel crap enough throughout.

Good luck 🤞 🤞
Adult nurse
Original post by risasakura
I applied for children nursing and I was curious as to whether I should book my interview in the morning or the evening. Does it make a difference?

If you do it in the morning then you have rest of the day to yourself
Make sure you arrive in plenty of time .

What time of day you do your interview at doesn't really matter but sometimes you have to take a time that you are giving for it. I have heard people saying that they get stressed out waiting to go to their interview if it's afternoon one as rather get it done in the morning.

Make sure you do all your preparation for your interview ☺️ ☺️

Good luck with your interview 😀 😀

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