The Student Room Group

Choosing a sixth form after matriculation

My family plans to move to the UK later this year, and I would like to know if I am eligible to apply for Sixth Form after completing my matriculation in Pakistan. Additionally, I would appreciate any recommendations for colleges in London that I should consider.
Original post by Shah_586
My family plans to move to the UK later this year, and I would like to know if I am eligible to apply for Sixth Form after completing my matriculation in Pakistan. Additionally, I would appreciate any recommendations for colleges in London that I should consider.

Matriculation isn't typically a qualification sixth form colleges would accept right off the bat; the standard qualifications that they usually accept are GCSEs.

Your best bet is to contact the individual sixth form colleges and see what they say. You're likely be invited for an interview and then they would decide on your application.

Do note, with some colleges the individual grades for specific subjects would need to be considered for specific A Level courses in specific subjects e.g. A in biology to be considered for A Level Biology. I would recommend you looking at the entry requirements of individual courses that you would like to apply for.

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