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Spoken language topic helpp

My spoken language assessment is in about 1 week (Friday).

I still don't know what topic to do.

My teacher wants us to do something funny and would obviously mark me higher if I do choose something funny. Please give me topic ideas because I'm stumped. Maybe something common that annoys people (pet peeve idkk)?
Reply 1
Original post by one-day-laurel
My spoken language assessment is in about 1 week (Friday).
I still don't know what topic to do.
My teacher wants us to do something funny and would obviously mark me higher if I do choose something funny. Please give me topic ideas because I'm stumped. Maybe something common that annoys people (pet peeve idkk)?

Do something that you are the most passionate about, because that way you can build your argument more. Try to avoid something too cliche or something everyone talks about - be original.
Original post by LXY0705
Do something that you are the most passionate about, because that way you can build your argument more. Try to avoid something too cliche or something everyone talks about - be original.

Thank you! The problem is idk what I'm passionate about and I don't want to talk about my interests in front of my whole class but I'll see anyways thanks
Reply 3
Original post by one-day-laurel
Thank you! The problem is idk what I'm passionate about and I don't want to talk about my interests in front of my whole class but I'll see anyways thanks

You have to do it in front of the whole class? We only had to do it in front of our teacher and that's it. In that case, I would suggest to do something that is relatable but sophisticated enough to make it seem that you know what you are doing.
If you enjoy politics, you can talk about that.
If you are a stem student, talk about different scientific advances or complex thinking and analysis.
What's your fav subject at school jw?
Original post by LXY0705
You have to do it in front of the whole class? We only had to do it in front of our teacher and that's it. In that case, I would suggest to do something that is relatable but sophisticated enough to make it seem that you know what you are doing.
If you enjoy politics, you can talk about that.
If you are a stem student, talk about different scientific advances or complex thinking and analysis.
What's your fav subject at school jw?

Yes 😭 we have to do it in front of everyone. Wow lucky you guys got to do it 1 on 1. Sorry not giving you much to work with since I don't have a favourite subject but if I had to pick I'd say art?
Reply 5
Original post by one-day-laurel
Yes 😭 we have to do it in front of everyone. Wow lucky you guys got to do it 1 on 1. Sorry not giving you much to work with since I don't have a favourite subject but if I had to pick I'd say art?

maybe art through time (e.g. renaissance art) or how art can tell stories (you can make a ppt of famous paintings and discuss the context about them). I also immediately thought about art in literature such as in the poems Ozymandias and My Last Duchess but idk if you studied them. thats my ideas, hope all goes well!
Original post by LXY0705
maybe art through time (e.g. renaissance art) or how art can tell stories (you can make a ppt of famous paintings and discuss the context about them). I also immediately thought about art in literature such as in the poems Ozymandias and My Last Duchess but idk if you studied them. thats my ideas, hope all goes well!

Thanks for the ideass I do a different poem anthology but I'll look into those TYY

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