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EPQ Opinions on my question on antimicrobial resistance

I have been struggling to come up with a question . I have decided to stick to antimicrobial resistance and have some ideas for topics , could you give me some constructive feedback pls .
to what extent can we eradicate antimicrobial resistance .
to what extent can we completely resolve the crisis of antimicrobial resistance .
to what extent is antimicrobial resistance a global concern .
to what extent can we eradicate antimicrobial resistance
-> isn't the whole point that you can't because they'll mutate?

to what extent can we completely resolve the crisis of antimicrobial resistance
-> what would you write about? you could instead reword it to something like: to what extent has the World Health Organization’s Global Action Plan on AMR been successful in curbing resistance globally? that way you have something to analyse

to what extent is antimicrobial resistance a global concern
-> would you just write an entire EPQ on how big of a concern it is?

you could instead talk about the relationship between medicine & AMR e.g.
What role does overprescription of antibiotics in human medicine play in the global antimicrobial resistance crisis -> how we caused it
looking at the geography of it -> What role does globalization play in the transmission of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria across borders?
How has antimicrobial resistance disproportionately affected developing countries, and what strategies could promote equity in combating it?

obviously don't use the questions I've given you here, they're just inspiration

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