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Dropping out of uni second time

I went to uni in 2022, left in the June ‘23 moved home, worked for a year- desperately wanted to try uni again. Started again at a different uni on a different course sept 2024, really enjoy the subject but I can’t cope with uni deadlines and stress- anxiety consumes me 24/7.

I tried anti-depressants before, they worked for month and stopped so I stayed on them for 6 months for nothing to change. I will try them again so going to get that sorted this week hopefully.

I’m obviously cautious about leaving uni again- I have settled in with the lifestyle, found a house with friends for next year but the thought of completing uni for another 2 years doesn’t appeal to me.

I feel awful for wasting sfe money, I feel so guilty. I really did believe the course I selected would suit me and I was excited to start in September.

But deep down I don’t think I want to compromise my health, feeling stressed all the time will wear me down. The thing is, I worry that if I can’t cope with uni how will I cope with anything else in life like a job.

Also I found life outside of uni isolating when I did move back home. So I’m stuck about that too, however I am 21 so I would’ve finished uni by now anyway so age isn’t the issue per say but I worry about being far away from friends and having no life apart from the temp job I had like last time. But ig I know that so I’ll have to be more pro-active in visiting the friends I have etc.

I’m looking at apprenticeships and also interested in one of my school friends jobs- she works on yachts as a deck hand so I would look into that as well for experience.
I thought the subject I chose for uni would be the one I really want a career in but I feel lost again but know that there’s always something else I can try.
Reply 1
Sorry for all the paragraphs- but has anyone else ever dropped out twice and found something else they’re happier with?
Hey OP, this sounds like a **** situation to be in. I'm kind of similar - went to uni in September 2022, absolutely hated the uni and course so dropped out in March 2023. The issue is is that if you can't settle at uni, you will still find it equally difficult to settle into work. I've gone through 2 corporate jobs in the last 18 months and absolutely hated both of them. I will be going back to university in September to study law instead, and my view is that this time I HAVE TO settle.
You've already accessed the 2nd year of loans meaning you wouldn't be able to get full funding for another course from SFE again, even if you dropped out now. Maybe try and stick it out and really throw yourself into it this term. I know it's easier said than done but try and come up with a system if you are prone to getting stressed about deadlines etc - treat uni work as though it's your 9-5 job. It is easier to drop out once but much harder to drop out again a second time. Do you think there is potential that future you will regret not getting a degree or dropping out?

Failing that if it's the course maybe try and speak to student services about getting support. But please please try and stick it out. Work is a lot harder than uni and you don't have as much room to screw up (from my own personal experience).
(edited 1 month ago)

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