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Chose the wrong degree maybe...

Can I do a masters in English after finishing my psychology undergrad?
Original post by sadrien
Can I do a masters in English after finishing my psychology undergrad?

Some masters' in English are a pain. For the majority of them, they would require your undergrad in an English related subject.

However, you do get some that won't require an undergrad in English. They would be more difficult to find though, and you're not likely going to get it from a top uni.

Degrees in creative writing generally are good with undergrads in any subject.

See the following for example: (on a case by case basis)

Some of the above would accept you on a case by case basis, if you show you have the ability to demonstrate your knowledge and ability in an English subject at university level, or if you have relevant work experience in an English related environment e.g. publishing. You would need to check the specifics for each degree.
I would very much doubt they would accept you if they ask for an undergrad in a relevant or related subject or if it needs to be in a humanities subject. You should be able to get away with it if they ask for it in a social science, doesn't specify the subject requirement, or you just need to demonstrate your writing and analytical ability in an English subject. It's best to check with the postgrad admissions personnel from the English department of the uni to double check; sometimes you can get lucky.

A better question is why do you want to do an MA in English. It's not required for any specific profession, and unless you're intending on teaching English at secondary school, college, or uni, it's not really requested.
(edited 1 month ago)
Original post by sadrien
Can I do a masters in English after finishing my psychology undergrad?


I think it's a case of the university. Have a look at the university you would like to study the English MA at and check the 'relevant degrees' part of the entry requirements. When I did my (taught) MA at Chester some students were from journalism undergraduate backgrounds and the accepted subjects were quite broad. If the course description is unclear, contact the department and ask, you could explain that you want to study English at MA level, justify why, and see what they say.

I'd recommend going to visit your shortlisted universities for the postgraduate open days also. You will have the opportunity of looking around the university from a postgraduate perspective, you can see the learning support services available, talk about accommodation, finance, library facilities and most importantly meet the English department tutors.

Good luck and I hope you manage to find a course that suits you
PhD English
University of Chester
Original post by MindMax2000
Some masters' in English are a pain. For the majority of them, they would require your undergrad in an English related subject.
However, you do get some that won't require an undergrad in English. They would be more difficult to find though, and you're not likely going to get it from a top uni.
Degrees in creative writing generally are good with undergrads in any subject.
See the following for example: (on a case by case basis)
Some of the above would accept you on a case by case basis, if you show you have the ability to demonstrate your knowledge and ability in an English subject at university level, or if you have relevant work experience in an English related environment e.g. publishing. You would need to check the specifics for each degree.
I would very much doubt they would accept you if they ask for an undergrad in a relevant or related subject or if it needs to be in a humanities subject. You should be able to get away with it if they ask for it in a social science, doesn't specify the subject requirement, or you just need to demonstrate your writing and analytical ability in an English subject. It's best to check with the postgrad admissions personnel from the English department of the uni to double check; sometimes you can get lucky.
A better question is why do you want to do an MA in English. It's not required for any specific profession, and unless you're intending on teaching English at secondary school, college, or uni, it's not really requested.

Gave you a rep because of how many links you put in 🤣 All this help and the person doesn't even like your post 🙃

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