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aqa a level psychology evaluation/AO3

ive got my mocks coming up, so i was js wondering what the best way to revise the evaluation/AO3 points was :,)
if its any use, the topics in my mocks will be attachment, memory and psychopathology
thank you :smile:
(edited 1 month ago)
For this, my teacher always makes all of the AO3s the same type of AO3 if that makes sense. For example, in attachment our AO3’s would always be:

1) Practical application. It’d typically be it helps new parents etc etc, or it has influenced hospitals into offering family accommodation to ensure children’s attachment doesn’t get messed up or whatever you want to say

2) Social sensitivity. Usually that any sort of attachment theory is terribly offensive to someone, e.g. freud’s monotropic theory…hello?! Dad’s have gone where?!

3) Evidence. A study of some sort!

And we’d keep them the same for each topic. Obviously the actual content of the AO3 would change, but it’d be the same type. Does that make sense? It made it a lot easier to memorise them, for me personally anyway

With actually revising the content of the AO3’s, I usually just read them over and over and then applied them to questions as much as possible. Maybe not the most productive? But it did the trick. I also just gave up trying to memorise the names (besides the ones we HAVE to know) to save brain space for the more important bits

Hope that helps!

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