I disagree with anyone who says they dont get to the root of the problem. Depression, in most cases, is caused by chemical inbalances in the brain-mine is completely messed up. Hence the first step to recovery is by getting more of the chemicals u lack....ie. taking medication. I had a cognative therapist and it didnt help at all.
I took prozac for ages and it had no effect. i am now on citalopram 40mg and that has helped to some extent. my psychiatrist is deciding what is the best one for me to try next.
Antidepressents have definetely helped me. Before i started taking them i would cry all day and all night. When i started the medication things became a bit clearer in my head and there was a bit of light at the end of the tunnel!! A year ago it was horrible and i never want to be there again. The worst thing is, I have absolutely no reason to be upset.
I do have side effects, but you learn to live with them. Its better to feel a bit sick and to be shaky in the mornings than feeling suicidal!!!
Unless u have been there, you cant really write a fair reply to this thread.
Hope this has helped xxxxx