The Student Room Group

Msc blended nursing Bcu

I hope you’re all doing well
I wanted to apply for the msc blended learning nursing at Bcu. Wanted any advice or insight regarding the course and how the timetable is specifically
I want to sort out my childcare for placements so would like to have an idea of how anyone is getting on with the course
For those applying can you also share any insight please
Thanks x
Anyone starting this course or similar ? Any advice x
Reply 2
Original post by Soontobenurse
Anyone starting this course or similar ? Any advice x

What kind of advice do you need?
Original post by Ex-Ninja
What kind of advice do you need?

Wanted any advice or insight regarding the course andhow the timetable is specificallyI want to sort out my childcare for placements so would liketo have an idea of how anyone is getting on with the courseFor those applying can you also share any insight please
Original post by Soontobenurse
Wanted any advice or insight regarding the course andhow the timetable is specificallyI want to sort out my childcare for placements so would liketo have an idea of how anyone is getting on with the courseFor those applying can you also share any insight please

Email the nursing department at BCU and ask for a copy of this year's timetable. Although it might change for next year, it will give you an idea of what to expect and when.
Original post by normaw
Email the nursing department at BCU and ask for a copy of this year's timetable. Although it might change for next year, it will give you an idea of what to expect and when.

Reply 6
Good thing is to first request for a timetable from BCU as recommended.
(edited 1 month ago)
I did email them and they responded to my other questions and ignored the bit about the timetable
@BCU Student Rep can you help request a nursing timetable? :smile:

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