Durham(much like every law school in England and Whales) offers a common law degree which is essentially the foundation of the justice systems in most common wealth countries (although the American one is debatable). While Durham is no Oxbridge, it certainly is a Russel Group university that has gained reputation for its high academic standards. For this reason not only will Durham not hurt your chances but It will be an added bonus that you have a law degree in common law from a UK school (again may not apply for the US).
Now, with this being said in any career, you are never stuck. College is not the destination and the truth is no one will care for the name of your university once you have at least 2 years of work under your belt, grades don't win firms money, your skills do. You can always do an LLM in the country you wish to work in, gain accreditation in the country you want to work in with examination, or even simply work under the supervision of an accredited lawyer in the particular juristriction you want to work in.
Hope that helped.
Durham(much like every law school in England and Whales) offers a common law degree which is essentially the foundation of the justice systems in most common wealth countries (although the American one is debatable). While Durham is no Oxbridge, it certainly is a Russel Group university that has gained reputation for its high academic standards. For this reason not only will Durham not hurt your chances but It will be an added bonus that you have a law degree in common law from a UK school (again may not apply for the US).
Now, with this being said in any career, you are never stuck. College is not the destination and the truth is no one will care for the name of your university once you have at least 2 years of work under your belt, grades don't win firms money, your skills do. You can always do an LLM in the country you wish to work in, gain accreditation in the country you want to work in with examination, or even simply work under the supervision of an accredited lawyer in the particular juristriction you want to work in.
Hope that helped.
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