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University and Work Experience

I’m currently doing Chemistry, Biology, Design and Technology and Core Maths at A-level ( core maths as I didn’t get the maths grade to do it at my school currently) and I would like to do engineering at University however all of them require Maths as an A-level choice, would I still be able to do this at university or not ? Follow up to this question does anyone know any good year 12 work experiences that offer engineering for this year ?
(edited 4 weeks ago)
Original post by cookiestealer
I’m currently doing Chemistry, Biology, Design and Technology and Core Maths at A-level ( core maths as I didn’t get the maths grade to do it at my school currently) and I would like to do engineering at University however all of them require Maths as an A-level choice, would I still be able to do this at university or not ? Follow up to this question does anyone know any good year 12 work experiences that offer engineering for this year ?

Look into a foundation year. Some courses will add an extra first year to give you a ‘crash course’ in what you are missing if you don’t have correct Alevels. I didn’t do engineering myself but have a who friends who took a foundation year and found it very helpful and it allowed them to do a degree they couldn’t otherwise do
Original post by cookiestealer
I’m currently doing Chemistry, Biology, Design and Technology and Core Maths at A-level ( core maths as I didn’t get the maths grade to do it at my school currently) and I would like to do engineering at University however all of them require Maths as an A-level choice, would I still be able to do this at university or not ? Follow up to this question does anyone know any good year 12 work experiences that offer engineering for this year ?

To be honest without an A Level in Maths or Physics, going to do an engineering degree is highly unlikely. But you maybe able to do an apprenticeship. Look into the EDT, they have a lot of opportunities for engineering work experience and bursaries available for those you have to pay for.
Original post by cookiestealer
I’m currently doing Chemistry, Biology, Design and Technology and Core Maths at A-level ( core maths as I didn’t get the maths grade to do it at my school currently) and I would like to do engineering at University however all of them require Maths as an A-level choice, would I still be able to do this at university or not ? Follow up to this question does anyone know any good year 12 work experiences that offer engineering for this year ?

Unless you do a foundation year, there is no chance you get into the degree that combines maths and physics, without maths and physics.
Best of luck.
Original post by cookiestealer
I’m currently doing Chemistry, Biology, Design and Technology and Core Maths at A-level ( core maths as I didn’t get the maths grade to do it at my school currently) and I would like to do engineering at University however all of them require Maths as an A-level choice, would I still be able to do this at university or not ? Follow up to this question does anyone know any good year 12 work experiences that offer engineering for this year ?

Engineering is an applied physics course, and maths is really the bread and butter of the degree so without these subjects it is very difficult/impossible to really study engineering.

I think you are best of looking at:

restarting a-levels with maths & physics

Look at a foundation year (although this means an extra year of “student loans”

Look at alternatives, engineering in industry has a wider pool of roles and some roles in engineering teams, particularly design & manufacturing don’t require the same level of scientific and theoretical background- these are often reachable via apprenticeship, however you will then of course pigeon hole yourself in line with one area of engineering

Original post by cookiestealer
I’m currently doing Chemistry, Biology, Design and Technology and Core Maths at A-level ( core maths as I didn’t get the maths grade to do it at my school currently) and I would like to do engineering at University however all of them require Maths as an A-level choice, would I still be able to do this at university or not ? Follow up to this question does anyone know any good year 12 work experiences that offer engineering for this year ?

Hi there,

there's a few options open to you depending on the university - some will allow you to enroll on the first year of the course with those A-levels, and it's worth contacting the uni's directly as core maths is an unusual choice so you may want to double check with admissions to see if they would make an exception.
Other universities may ask you to enroll on a foundation year first to make up some of the maths skills - which is a good option too.
Or if you don't find either of those options favourable then you could try looking at other engineering streams such as auto or motorsport which sometimes don't require the full maths A-level.

Hope this helps
Coventry Uni Student Ambassador
Original post by Coventry University Student Ambassadors
Hi there,
there's a few options open to you depending on the university - some will allow you to enroll on the first year of the course with those A-levels, and it's worth contacting the uni's directly as core maths is an unusual choice so you may want to double check with admissions to see if they would make an exception.
Other universities may ask you to enroll on a foundation year first to make up some of the maths skills - which is a good option too.
Or if you don't find either of those options favourable then you could try looking at other engineering streams such as auto or motorsport which sometimes don't require the full maths A-level.
Hope this helps
Coventry Uni Student Ambassador

Automotive & motorsport engineering are derivatives of mechanical engineering & encompass fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, stress, kinematics & solid mechanics as fundamentals to the degree. It really is essential to have a background in basic mechanics either via A-level physics or applied mathematics modules.

It would be very unusual for a university to enrol someone without full maths A-level and most also require maths & physics.
(edited 3 weeks ago)

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