The Student Room Group

What can a Psychiatrist do for depression in addition to what a GP has already done?

I’m doing a presentation on depression, and I was wondering - what exactly can a psychiatrist do for depression (i.e. like all the different options available), compared to what a GP might have already done?
GPs can prescribe appropriate drugs and refer a patient for counselling etc.
A Psychologist or a Psychiatrist will be the person doing the counselling or other 'talking therapy'.
Original post by Rosie747
I’m doing a presentation on depression, and I was wondering - what exactly can a psychiatrist do for depression (i.e. like all the different options available), compared to what a GP might have already done?

Here are some of the reasons why NICE suggests referring from primary to secondary care. This should give you an idea of what secondary care (i.e. psychiatry) can additionally do:
Original post by McGinger
GPs can prescribe appropriate drugs and refer a patient for counselling etc.
A Psychologist or a Psychiatrist will be the person doing the counselling or other 'talking therapy'.

Most psychiatrists don't provide psychotherapy as the main part of their work. Some do, but it's not the mainstay of treatment for depression in secondary care anyway.

Psychologists do provide talking therapies as a greater focus of their work.

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