Hi everyone! This is my first time posting here since I scoured both this forum and Reddit but haven't been able to find an answer to my question.
I am planning to take A-levels in Maths (possibly Further Maths), Chemistry, and Physics as a private candidate. After researching various exam boards, I found that all offer practical endorsements for the sciences, with the exception of Pearson Edexcel International. As I still don't know which universities I will apply to (though I’m aiming for Ivy League schools, provided I can secure a scholarship), I'd like to keep my options as open as possible.
I understand that some universities require practical endorsements, but I have been unable to determine if this applies to Edexcel International A-Level students as well, given that practical knowledge is assessed through written papers instead. The cost of taking practicals as a private candidate is significant, which is why I am looking for a way to avoid this requirement.If anyone has any information or insights on this matter, I would be very grateful

Otherwise, I may need to contact individual universities to inquire about this, and draw a general conclusion.