The Student Room Group

Does Edexcel International (IAL) meet practical endorsement requirements for uni?

Hi everyone! This is my first time posting here since I scoured both this forum and Reddit but haven't been able to find an answer to my question.

I am planning to take A-levels in Maths (possibly Further Maths), Chemistry, and Physics as a private candidate. After researching various exam boards, I found that all offer practical endorsements for the sciences, with the exception of Pearson Edexcel International. As I still don't know which universities I will apply to (though I’m aiming for Ivy League schools, provided I can secure a scholarship), I'd like to keep my options as open as possible.

I understand that some universities require practical endorsements, but I have been unable to determine if this applies to Edexcel International A-Level students as well, given that practical knowledge is assessed through written papers instead. The cost of taking practicals as a private candidate is significant, which is why I am looking for a way to avoid this requirement.If anyone has any information or insights on this matter, I would be very grateful :smile: Otherwise, I may need to contact individual universities to inquire about this, and draw a general conclusion.
Original post by ele0101
Hi everyone! This is my first time posting here since I scoured both this forum and Reddit but haven't been able to find an answer to my question.
I am planning to take A-levels in Maths (possibly Further Maths), Chemistry, and Physics as a private candidate. After researching various exam boards, I found that all offer practical endorsements for the sciences, with the exception of Pearson Edexcel International. As I still don't know which universities I will apply to (though I’m aiming for Ivy League schools, provided I can secure a scholarship), I'd like to keep my options as open as possible.
I understand that some universities require practical endorsements, but I have been unable to determine if this applies to Edexcel International A-Level students as well, given that practical knowledge is assessed through written papers instead. The cost of taking practicals as a private candidate is significant, which is why I am looking for a way to avoid this requirement.If anyone has any information or insights on this matter, I would be very grateful :smile: Otherwise, I may need to contact individual universities to inquire about this, and draw a general conclusion.

Edexcel IALs assess practicals through written exams, not endorsements. Ivy League schools typically accept this, but UK universities often require the endorsement for STEM courses. Check requirements with target universities to stay on track.

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