hi guys,
so as i said in the title, i'm in my second year of uni and i am seriously struggling, i'm doing a biochemistry course and i'm just starting the 2nd term. i don't really know what i'm looking for, maybe some words of encouragement, tips or just personal experiences?
to add some context, i did find the 1st term super intense, i was constantly overwhelmed and stressed to a point where i just couldn't think straight, i have adhd and depression, i won't use this as an excuse to why i tend to do things last minute etc but i know it does have an impact on how i function and sometimes i just physically can't do what i need to do, or don't even know what to do.
my grades weren't too great either, for some things i got nearly 60%, still waiting for a couple of things to be marked but i just know they didn't go well. this term almost all my modules change and then i'll have exams from modules from both terms in the summer, do u think i can still manage to pass? what is the minimum % i need to pass a module?
i also have a huge lab project that's worth like 55% of my module grade, i'm just starting this now and all the other things for this module didn't go too well, so i'm stressing a lot because if i don't pass i'll defo have to repeat the year since the whole module is coursework.
it's not like i need the top marks, i just wanna pass with some decent grades, i've been struggling a lot with my mental health and english isn't my first language so i'm trying to be avoid being too hard on myself.
i know this turned into a little rant but i guess i just needed it, do u guys have any tips on how to avoid being so overwhelmed and having your mind all over the place all the time? i have so many people in my course that are repeating the 2nd year and tbh i can see why, and if i have to i'll repeat it as well, but i'm doing a year abroad and would much prefer doing that before my final year.
so yeah, thanks for reading, and lmk your thoughts, if u also struggled in your 2nd year and if even tho i struggled through the 1st half of it i can still save it, take care