For the past 3ish months, I've been hanging out with a guy, and we've talked every day since October. We're both in our early 20s. We kissed once, but it's still been fairly casual between us.
Now, last week, he asked me if I am available this upcoming Friday for 90 minutes. I asked why, and he said it was for a I naturally accepted, as we're both into arthouse. Today, he caught me after class to see if we were still good for Friday, and then asked "why do you think I asked you to watch a film?" I was like "uh, for the exact watch a film."
I will admit, part of my brain wondered if he was perhaps alluding to sex somehow, or a date, but I did not want to make any blunt or direct claims (as they could be potentially awkward if incorrect).
Then he said he was surprised I never considered the relevance of 90 minutes, and I could only think of the film's run-time. Then he asked me what I thought of literary devices...I asked if the 90 minutes was somehow a metaphor. He joked and said it was a riddle, and that I'd have to wait until Friday to find out.
All in all, I'm still a little puzzled...can't tell if he wants to get it on, since movies can be code for this...or something else entirely. The thing is, he's a virgin and has never been in a proper relationship before, and we haven't even officially started dating or anything (solely hangouts)...he's also a bit of a prude.
Any thoughts? This mystery is truly causing me to scratch my head!