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Is early marriage really the cause of most divorce nowadays?
Original post by IMOTECH
Is early marriage really the cause of most divorce nowadays?

Its probably A factor… but there’s probably other factors involved, such as marriage been seen as more outdated now and what with people being a bit less religious now so who knows
Not necessarily.

I was engaged at 17, married at 21, and still married at 41 fast approaching our 20th wedding anniversary.

I don't think all that many people do get married early these days, really. Aside from Millie Bobby Brown, you don't hear of many people getting married young nowadays.
Reply 3
I met my now husband at 16. married at 24. now have 2 children and can't say I regret a single minute of my life with him
(edited 1 month ago)
Original post by IMOTECH
Is early marriage really the cause of most divorce nowadays?

BS. Other factors lead to it. It could be living with in laws, how marriage life is just lived as in lifestyle the raising and upbringing of yours kids and which parent is best. Some spouses just use the other for assets even.
Reply 5
According to AI, yes. Intuitively it makes sense and I know divorced people who say they married too young. This said divorce and the reasons for it are a complicated picture and I’m not sure there’s clear evidence that age at marriage is the key factor
Cheaper to keep her

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