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IAL maths: mechanics or statistics?

I'm in my first year of A-level maths with Pearson Edexcel. Having completed P1 and P2, I need to start M1 or S1. I want to try out mechanics but I heard that it contains physics a subject I've never studied before, not even at (I)GCSE. I don't like statistics, I never did, even at GCSE. Can someone, with a similar experience or not, please give some advice concerning this matter? I need to decide before next week.
Many years ago..... I had to retake my A level maths to support a career change. In the end I did both S1 and M1 to complete the A Edexcel modular A level offered at that time. Looking at the specifications and recent exam papers the IAL is not much different all of these years later. S1 was easiest to learn, much of it was an extension of GCSE with a bit of new stuff around random variables (probability) and the normal distribution. M1 was a bit harder but like you I had no GCSE or A level background in physics and with lots of practice had no trouble securing a good result. In your position I'd recommend S1 for AS and M1 for A2.

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