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Tips for getting 70% or above in assignments essays and reports and presentations

Hi basically what the question says I am going into my second semester and unhappy with first semesters grades so would like tips as this semester I will have a presentation and essay and a online test
Hi there.
I think you first have to commit to do things differently this semester.
Also, try spending some time relearning whatever you've covered in class this far.
It also helps taking a look at past papers and questions and seeing how many you can comfortably handle.
Reply 2
For humanities subjects, have an argument, and make it well. That's basically it.
(edited 4 weeks ago)
Original post by Anonymous
Hi basically what the question says I am going into my second semester and unhappy with first semesters grades so would like tips as this semester I will have a presentation and essay and a online test


Sorry to hear you are unhappy with the grades you got in first semester. You can definitely learn from last semester I have just made a post with some tips and hopefully others will add some more tips I will leave the link here How to Utilise Feedback and Improve on Grades - The Student Room

What course are you studying?

My first tip is for presentations. I would say always write a script and practice it as much as you can, so if you can you don't have to use your notes and you can just speak freely which looks more confident and is engaging with audience.

Another big thing with essays and assignments is time management. Try and figure out where you work best, for me this is in the library and usually in the mornings I feel most productive. So I try and work from the library as much as possible and do an hour of work before my 10am lecture each day. I have also created a habit of going straight to the library after my last lecture of the day, which has helped me get a few productive hours in before going back to my flat and make food. So see if there is any gaps in you day or week that you could utilise more.

Sometimes you just want to forget about the grades you are unhappy with and move on, but make sure to read your feedback as it is crucial to learn from this to then improve. Similarly reading through the learning outcomes you are marked against can be really helpful in making sure you meet them all in your assignment, essay and presentation.

I hope this is useful and good luck :smile:
-Grace (Kingston Rep)
Reply 4
Original post by Kingston Grace
Sorry to hear you are unhappy with the grades you got in first semester. You can definitely learn from last semester I have just made a post with some tips and hopefully others will add some more tips I will leave the link here How to Utilise Feedback and Improve on Grades - The Student Room
What course are you studying?
My first tip is for presentations. I would say always write a script and practice it as much as you can, so if you can you don't have to use your notes and you can just speak freely which looks more confident and is engaging with audience.
Another big thing with essays and assignments is time management. Try and figure out where you work best, for me this is in the library and usually in the mornings I feel most productive. So I try and work from the library as much as possible and do an hour of work before my 10am lecture each day. I have also created a habit of going straight to the library after my last lecture of the day, which has helped me get a few productive hours in before going back to my flat and make food. So see if there is any gaps in you day or week that you could utilise more.
Sometimes you just want to forget about the grades you are unhappy with and move on, but make sure to read your feedback as it is crucial to learn from this to then improve. Similarly reading through the learning outcomes you are marked against can be really helpful in making sure you meet them all in your assignment, essay and presentation.
I hope this is useful and good luck :smile:
-Grace (Kingston Rep)

Thanks you I am studying business and management with marketing
Original post by Anonymous
Thanks you I am studying business and management with marketing

Amazing! I am studying somewhat of a similar course (fashion promotion and communication) we do many marketing and business style projects.

I would say for your presentations then also be considerate about the graphics and the look of your presentation. We are often told to have less words and more visuals on the screen when pitching, however this depends on what your lectures advise. Just make sure it is clear and concise and maybe even go above and beyond, a successful group presentation I did we had printed out the leaflets and other elements we where proposing to show and hand out to the panel.

Good luck this semester!
-Grace (Kingston Rep)
(edited 3 weeks ago)

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