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Alevels maths

I am a year 12 student , I just sat my year 12 mock for AS level maths , and it was completely horrendous , and I know I completely flopped because I couldn’t even finish it 😭 I am scared to fail it in my real thing 😭 please i really an honest advise , I can’t even drop it now if I want to (I asked 😭)
Reply 1
Helloooo Year 13 here who also sat the AS maths last year! Although I got a B in my AS, it was better than I could've ever expected considering how hard I found my paper! Currently I am working at a B at A-Level standard and my advice right now is to really focus on the questions marked E or P in your edexcel textbook since these are meant to resemble exam questions that you might face. I'd like to place a particular emphasis on the ones marked E/P (both exam and problem solving) as these are quite cryptic questions that you'd really need to think about and thus would land you a lot of marks in the exam. What was important for me was to know what to do and when to do it (for example knowing to differentiate when asked to find a gradient).
Reply 2
Original post by shaunjro
Helloooo Year 13 here who also sat the AS maths last year! Although I got a B in my AS, it was better than I could've ever expected considering how hard I found my paper! Currently I am working at a B at A-Level standard and my advice right now is to really focus on the questions marked E or P in your edexcel textbook since these are meant to resemble exam questions that you might face. I'd like to place a particular emphasis on the ones marked E/P (both exam and problem solving) as these are quite cryptic questions that you'd really need to think about and thus would land you a lot of marks in the exam. What was important for me was to know what to do and when to do it (for example knowing to differentiate when asked to find a gradient).

Thank you very much 😭 I really struggle to revise for maths so this really helps , thanks 🙏
Original post by Luvkyyy
Thank you very much 😭 I really struggle to revise for maths so this really helps , thanks 🙏

Which board? really helped me with maths a level
Original post by Luvkyyy
I am a year 12 student , I just sat my year 12 mock for AS level maths , and it was completely horrendous , and I know I completely flopped because I couldn’t even finish it 😭 I am scared to fail it in my real thing 😭 please i really an honest advise , I can’t even drop it now if I want to (I asked 😭)

With maths you just need lots of practice tbh. You're y12 so you have plenty of time, many people go from Ds in y12 to As/A*s in y13. I'm y13 currently doing edexcel for maths, websites like PMT and Dr Frost Maths helps a lot for getting practice question by topic. I've heard people mention TLMaths and bicenmaths too (I think thats what its called?). Never used them personally but it might be something you could try.
Reply 6
Original post by Muttley79
Which board?

Reply 7
Original post by Banana_99 really helped me with maths a level

Thank you very much
Reply 8
Original post by pagan-scimitar
With maths you just need lots of practice tbh. You're y12 so you have plenty of time, many people go from Ds in y12 to As/A*s in y13. I'm y13 currently doing edexcel for maths, websites like PMT and Dr Frost Maths helps a lot for getting practice question by topic. I've heard people mention TLMaths and bicenmaths too (I think thats what its called?). Never used them personally but it might be something you could try.

Thank you , I really appreciate it . So if let’s say I fail my AS maths , is there still hope for me or should I just resit year 12 and change my subject? 😭
Original post by Luvkyyy

Most schools don't sit the AS as it doesn't count towards the A level grade now.

Dr Frost Year 12 content:
Reply 10
Original post by Muttley79
Most schools don't sit the AS as it doesn't count towards the A level grade now.
Dr Frost Year 12 content:

Oh okay thank you veryyyyy much 😭
TL maths was the goat for both yr12/13 mocks. Also physics and maths tutor is a free website with practice questions and past papers all listed with some model solutions
Reply 12
Original post by cbush6016
TL maths was the goat for both yr12/13 mocks. Also physics and maths tutor is a free website with practice questions and past papers all listed with some model solutions

Thank you very very much , I have never heard of it until
Yesterday. I am soo glad I made this post 😭
Original post by Luvkyyy
I am a year 12 student , I just sat my year 12 mock for AS level maths , and it was completely horrendous , and I know I completely flopped because I couldn’t even finish it 😭 I am scared to fail it in my real thing 😭 please i really an honest advise , I can’t even drop it now if I want to (I asked 😭)
I sat for Edexcel last year. Y2 Topics are a lot tougher. Please take a look at the specifications.
Reply 14
Original post by Bubbletea010
I sat for Edexcel last year. Y2 Topics are a lot tougher. Please take a look at the specifications.

Kk , thanks ☺️
Reply 15
As someone that went from being predicted B’s and C’s in my year 12 mocks to an A* in my A-Level I’d say it’s all abt first understanding the content and then just practice. I’d recommend Bicen Maths on yt to understand each and every topic

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