The Student Room Group

too scared to go to my exams

i missed one of my uni exams because i was to scared to leave my room and i don’t think i’d be able to go to my others when i think about it i start sweating idk what to do
Original post by Anonymous
i missed one of my uni exams because i was to scared to leave my room and i don’t think i’d be able to go to my others when i think about it i start sweating idk what to do

I had a tough time at Uni with anxiety ETC, you can get support from the uni, you may be able to do exams in different rooms, if not you can be given special considerations where they take all this into consideration when grading. If I'm honest i wouldn't of known how to get this help or who to reach out to, my mum did it for me as i had a grievance in my freshers week. Contact your student hub/ support, mental health services or whatever it is your uni provides- you should be able to find this on the uni website. The enabling services at my uni (basically the service for mental health, additional support ETc) provided a support recommendation explaining my mental health and they coordinated with relevant people EG lecturers, tutor, grading people to give me support. I would of failed uni without them. Also, at my University we all had a personal academic tutor, if you have one or someone similar I would advise you to reach out to them, just explain you are struggling to the point it is affecting your studies and ask to be pointed in the right direction for support or see if they can help (email to reduce anxiety). if you let me know what uni you are at i would be happy to find you an email address/the people for you to contact🙂 good luck X
Original post by Anonymous
i missed one of my uni exams because i was to scared to leave my room and i don’t think i’d be able to go to my others when i think about it i start sweating idk what to do

Hi there,

I'm sorry to hear you are feeling so anxious.

I'd recommend that you reach out to a member of support staff at your university, like counselling, your personal tutor, or the wellbeing team. In many cases, you can reach out online. There are people who are equipped and willing to help you with what you are feeling, so reaching out is essential and lets them know you need support. Usually, measures can be taken to help you and to help make things like exams a less stressful experience. It also helps to be as prepared as you can on your end, so make sure to do your best with studying.

Remember that you can only do your best. Reach out to those who are there to help you, and remind yourself that you aren't alone in feeling this way.

I hope this helps,

Fourth-Year Geography with a Year Abroad Student
Original post by Anonymous
i missed one of my uni exams because i was to scared to leave my room and i don’t think i’d be able to go to my others when i think about it i start sweating idk what to do

Hi Anon,

I’m so sorry you’re feeling like this it sounds really overwhelming. The first thing to do is reach out to your personal tutor or student support team. They can help with options like rescheduling exams or applying for extenuating circumstances. If you’re struggling with feelings of anxiety, the uni’s counseling or mental health services can give you support and coping techniques.

Take things step by step even just getting ready or walking to the exam building can help ease the pressure. Most importantly, be kind to yourself. Anxiety is a real challenge, and a lot more people experience it than you think. Seeking for help is a strong and positive step.

I'm rooting for you!

BCU Student Rep
Original post by Anonymous
i missed one of my uni exams because i was to scared to leave my room and i don’t think i’d be able to go to my others when i think about it i start sweating idk what to do

Hi there,

I’m so sorry to hear you’re feeling this way, but I want you to know that you’re not alone, and there’s support available to help you through this. It sounds like exam anxiety is really affecting you right now, and that’s completely valid, it’s a lot of pressure, and it can feel overwhelming.

The first step is to reach out to your university’s wellbeing or student support services as soon as you can. They’re there to help, and they’re used to supporting students in situations like yours. You might also want to let your academic department know what’s going on, they can guide you on options like applying for extenuating circumstances or rescheduling exams if needed.

It might also help to break things down into smaller steps. For example, focus on getting through just one part of the day, like preparing your materials or even just getting dressed and going for a short walk to clear your head. Breathing exercises or mindfulness apps like Calm or Headspace can also help reduce the immediate anxiety.

Finally, try not to be too hard on yourself. Your health and wellbeing come first, and there’s no shame in asking for help. This situation might feel overwhelming now, but with the right support, you can get through it. Sending you lots of positive vibes, you’ve got this!
Original post by Anonymous
i missed one of my uni exams because i was to scared to leave my room and i don’t think i’d be able to go to my others when i think about it i start sweating idk what to do

Hi there,

I am sorry that you have been going through this and are feeling this way.

My first piece of advice would be to make sure you have told your Uni about how you are feeling. You can contact the well-being team at Uni and explain your situation to them and then at least they are aware of this and can work out a plan with you to help support you through this.

If you have a personal tutor/academic advisor at uni, you could also talk to them about this as they will likely know you and will know how to support you. They can also make sure you get the work you need if you have not attended a lecture etc.

I would also say if you have not already, talk to your GP and see if they can help you. They should be good in helping you with this and may be able to offer help and support that you find really useful. They may also be able to contact your uni with an explanation as to why you may miss some things coming up.

I hope things improve for you soon,

Lucy -SHU student ambassador.
Original post by Anonymous
i missed one of my uni exams because i was to scared to leave my room and i don’t think i’d be able to go to my others when i think about it i start sweating idk what to do


Sorry to hear that you feel like this, I think it would be a good idea if you could speak to your personal tutor about how you are feeling as they are there to support you. I think then they might be able to put an action plan in place for you and help to support you during the rest of your university life.

I hope this helps,

Wrexham Uni Reps
Original post by Anonymous
i missed one of my uni exams because i was to scared to leave my room and i don’t think i’d be able to go to my others when i think about it i start sweating idk what to do


I am so sorry to hear you are feeling this way, I have been in a very similar position in the past. My best advice would be to speak to your univeristy's wellbeing team as they will be able to support you in whichever way you need, whether this is taking the exam in a separate room or another form of support. Additionally, I would try to attend the exam, even if you are not able to complete it to the best of your ability, something is better than nothing - I know this is much easier said than done however I truly think it is for the best. If you are not able to attend I would contact the module lead for the exam/s and let them know in advance that you are not able to attend due to anxiety and are currently in talks with the wellbeing team.

Hope this helps! Faye 🙂

contact the module lead for the exams

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