The Student Room Group

UoY Accomodation?

Can someone with knowledge of York accomodation tell me the

1. number of people i'd share a kitchen with
2. the number of toilets/showers i'd share with those people
3. the access to green space / countryside
4. the commute to campus west

from either David Kato band 2, Anne Lister band 2 or Halifax band 1 and 2. These are what I am looking at as a good balance between a decent looking room and affordability
Reply 2
Hi! I've talked with coursemates about their Anne Lister Band 2 acccom- she says she shares the kitchen with 5 other people and she has her own ensuite with a shower included.
I've been to Anne Lister numerous times, and it's pretty urban around the actual accommodation, especially compared to other accommodations like Alcuin. The path leading into Anne Lister is surrounded by green space but generally speaking its all road and brick with some trees- very 'modern'. I've heard many people complain about the walk to campus west, but it depends how you feel about a 10-15 minute walk to get onto the actual campus. The free bus route into campus west is fairly near but I see why people wouldn't want to do that at 9 in the morning. Hope this helps!
Original post by Dparkinson1
Can someone with knowledge of York accomodation tell me the
1. number of people i'd share a kitchen with
2. the number of toilets/showers i'd share with those people
3. the access to green space / countryside
4. the commute to campus west
from either David Kato band 2, Anne Lister band 2 or Halifax band 1 and 2. These are what I am looking at as a good balance between a decent looking room and affordability

Hi there,

It's great to hear you're considering studying at York!

As a 2022 graduate from York, and now a member of staff here, I'll do my best to answer your queries:

1. number of people sharing a kitchen / 2. number of people sharing toilets/showers

This really depends on which accommodation you're in. Generally, as you go higher up the price bands you share kitchen and bathroom facilities with fewer people. Of course, if you have an ensuite room then the only person sharing your bathroom is you! Below I've tried to give an idea of numbers you'd be sharing with for each of the accommodation options you highlighted:

David Kato band 2 - around ten students flat

Anne lister band 2 - around ten students per flat

Halifax band 3 (we don't have band 2 rooms in Halifax) - Four to eight students

Halifax band 1 - around 20 students per flat

3. the access to green space / countryside

The campus is full of green spaces - since 2013 we have had "Green Flag" accreditation in recognition of our green spaces, so there's lots of places to reconnect with nature. Find out more by watching this student nature tour of campus.

The city of York also has plenty of green spaces, to name a few:

Museum Gardens

Dean's Park

Rowntree Park

As for other green spaces / countryside, we're well-connected to the rest of the UK by train. For example, you can get to Scarborough and walk along the seaside in less than an hour from York train station.

4. the commute to campus west

Although both David Kato and Anne Lister are on Campus East, they are on the side closest to Campus West (which I've tried to show in the map below).


So to walk from Anne Lister / David Kato to Derwent College (one of the nearest points on Campus West) it would take ~15 minutes. You can also cycle easily between the two campuses, it's pretty flat and there are lots of secure places to lock up your bike while you're in your accommodation or at a class.

Alternatively, the University buses are currently free between Campus East and West (and vice versa), and it takes between 5 and 15 minutes to travel between campuses (depending on traffic and what stop you want to get off at on Campus West). Anne Lister and David Kato are ~5 minute walk from the Campus East Interchange bus stop.

I hope this helps! If you've got any other questions, feel free to drop a reply to this thread - Hannah
Reply 4
When I wrote about Band 2s at Halifax it was a typo. What is the walk like between Halifax and the main campus, as if I choose campus I would have to do this daily if I went for Halifax.
Original post by Dparkinson1
When I wrote about Band 2s at Halifax it was a typo. What is the walk like between Halifax and the main campus, as if I choose campus I would have to do this daily if I went for Halifax.

Hi there,

Sorry, I forgot to answer that bit of your question before!

The walk between Halifax College and Campus West is around 10 to 20 minutes, depending on which part of Campus you're walking to. For example:

Halifax College to Central Hall (pretty much the centre of Campus West) is ~15 minutes walk:


Halifax College to the Physics and Electronics buildings is ~10 minute walk:


Halifax College to the Sit Jack Lyons Concert Hall is ~20 minute walk:


I hope this helps - Hannah 😀

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