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Help needed for AQA A Level Accounting

I'm in Year 12 and am currently struggling the most with my accounting A Level. I'm not sure how to revise or even what to revise. The teacher said we will have a test on everything we've done so far and the exam is in a week and a half. Some of the subjects I can remember is Depreciation/Disposal/Part Ex., Suspense Accounts, Bank Reconciliation, Errors, Double Entry and ...(I need to think lol,I'll put the rest in later.)
Does anybody have a ny resources to revise or any approaches on how to?
Also, how do I become better at Accounting, most of the time I'll just sit in class, but I don't understand anything 😫 🫣.
All help is appreciated, thanks.
I didn't do accounting but one thing that helped me with my a levels was watching youtube videos from people who got A*s in that subject with their tips. I just found this one for accounting:
I may be repeating stuff you already know but have you read the specification for the course? It's a list of everything in the a level and helped me not accidentally miss stuff when revising
Another general tip you may already know: to help with my a levels I found it extremely helpful to look at topics before they were taught in the lesson. eg for physics if I was going to have a lesson on eg electric fields then I would try and read about it in the textbook before the lesson or watch a youtube video on it so I'd have a better chance of understanding it if I wasn't seeing it for the 1st time. Your school should have a schedule by which topics are covered and if you ask your teacher for it then you can look ahead to be prepared.
I assume accounting is an essay subject. With my a level geography I definitely wouldn't have got an A* in it if I hadn't asked my teacher to mark some practice exam essays I had written. I feel like it's impossible to mark your own essay and you need a teacher to mark it. If you try and get as much practice writing essays using past exam questions then the process should become more fluid and an easier task.
that's just general advice, probably not much help but hopefully is useful
Good luck, and even if you don't do well in your test you've still got time to get it together before the end of year exams
I think anyone can get an a* in any a level subject if you are interested in it and work really hard
Reply 2
I'm in Year 12 and am currently struggling the most with my accounting A Level. I'm not sure how to revise or even what to revise. The teacher said we will have a test on everything we've done so far and the exam is in a week and a half. Some of the subjects I can remember is Depreciation/Disposal/Part Ex., Suspense Accounts, Bank Reconciliation, Errors, Double Entry and ...(I need to think lol,I'll put the rest in later.)
Does anybody have a ny resources to revise or any approaches on how to?
Also, how do I become better at Accounting, most of the time I'll just sit in class, but I don't understand anything 😫 🫣.
All help is appreciated, thanks.

Practice questions will probs be the best wayy icl
I'm in Year 12 and am currently struggling the most with my accounting A Level. I'm not sure how to revise or even what to revise. The teacher said we will have a test on everything we've done so far and the exam is in a week and a half. Some of the subjects I can remember is Depreciation/Disposal/Part Ex., Suspense Accounts, Bank Reconciliation, Errors, Double Entry and ...(I need to think lol,I'll put the rest in later.)
Does anybody have a ny resources to revise or any approaches on how to?
Also, how do I become better at Accounting, most of the time I'll just sit in class, but I don't understand anything 😫 🫣.
All help is appreciated, thanks.

Hey, do you use the Osborne Books textbooks for AQA Accounting? they help a lot with learning theory and doing practice questions. For me, I also struggled a lot in year 12, because of inconsistency. With accounting, if you aren't consistent, you'll forget everything within a few days 😂 so make sure you're up to date on content, and do loads of past paper questions. Good luck, and feel free to dm if you need any more help 👍🏽

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