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need A level/btec choice help!

I'm in year 11 and I need to apply for my sixth form soon.
I definitely want to do history but then I'm not sure after that?
I'm thinking about environmental science and I currently do media studies gcse and like it so I also think media but I'm not sure if I should apply for media a level or media btec

are my subjects a good combination and if they are should I do the a level or btec???
in general, whether to do a level or btec you should think whether you prefer coursework spread throughout the 2 years, or exams all at the end of Y13? Though I don't know if media a level involves coursework too. I think in terms of subjects pick what you enjoy most at gcse. If you know what you might want to do afterwards eg uni, apprentiship see what the entry requirements are and try to make sure you meet them. I'm no expert but if you do a combination of sciences and humanities then you should have quite a lot of options in terms of uni courses
You also need to start thinking about what you might want to do with these qualifications.
If you want to go to Uni, then there will be specific 'entry requirements' for each degree subject.- and many top Unis will require at least 2 A levels alongside a BTEC.
For apprenticeships this will be less of a issue unless its something science/technical - Search apprenticeship Find an apprenticeship GOV.UK

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