The Student Room Group

What does this mean????

Ok so me and my ex are talking again after we broke up about a month ago because of his mom were texting alot and he's not dry at all. we have been hanging out as a group at lunch also one day he came to my work with his mom who broke us up in the first place and at school at this point he was completely avoiding me he came into my work and waved and smiled and kept looking at me and at school he sat right across from me and kept looking at me so 3 days ago i texted after hanging out with our group of friends because were in the same group and i said hey it was fun hanging out at lunch and ever since then we have not stopped texting hes not dry at all and jokes around ALOT and says stuff like "ok miss physiatrist 😜" he uses this emoji alot 😜 what does it mean he also talkes to me in person and keeps looking at me but when i talk to him asking if he wants to hangout outside of school he says "no, thank you tho" or makes a joke he also texted me first this morning and said "so whats up" i still like him does he still like me?????
ask him saying "i know we broke up because of your mom, but i just wanted to know if you had feelings for me romantically." or you can say how you like him and wondering if he feels the same. but based on what he said, it seems like he wants to be good friends with you. but you never know (bc boys are boys lol) and just ask him.

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