Looks like you've already decided on chem and english. As you've pointed out medicine will require chem + another science/maths. Biology may be required depending on the uni so you should probably keep that. I don't think you need psychology A level to do a psychology degree, just any 2 from maths, psych, bio, chem physics. You have english lit so english degrees will still be possible. Neuroscience I don't know anything about but you have science subjects so you should be fine for that too.
From what you've said I think either maths or psychology (or both) would be the one to drop but tbh you should just choose what you will enjoy and get the best grade in. Subject choices don't matter that much as long as you meet the requirements (unless its oxbridge or sum like that).
What are your GCSEs like and what unis are you interested in? Also is there a reason you need 4 A levels?