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best university for psychology and offer times

hello! i am looking at studying psychology or crimonolgy. i currently have a exter offer (for psychology), newcastle (for psychology) and staffordshire (for cimology and psychology). i am currently waiting to hear back from bath (for criminolgy) and birmingham (for psychology). i was wondering which of these unis would be the best to go to, from a social and quality of education. also how long did it take for you to recieve offers from bath and birmingham. thank you!!!!
Hi there!
That sounds like a really good choice of degree and both will open up a lot of variety in terms of future careers!
I cannot speak for Birmingham but the majority of Bath's offers come after the 29th Jan ECD. We tend to be a bit later than other unis giving offers because we want to make sure that each application is assessed very carefully and given the attention it deserves.
Which uni is best for you depends on many factors: what the course content is like and which interests you more, what kind of uni you'd like to be in and what sort of location, and how the place makes you feel. Some of the key differences between Bath and Birmingham are:

The course content - look carefully at each and try to ask yourself which interests you more

City - Birmingham is a huge city with lots of life and vibrancy - this is perfect for some people but I would personally find it a little overwhelming! Bath on the other hand is a lot smaller and although lively and buzzing, feels a lot cosier than Birmingham - although equally some people would not enjoy this!

Size of uni - again, Birmingham is a much bigger and older uni than Bath - its definitely worth visiting each to get a real feel for the place if you can

I would say that the social life in Bath is very friendly and bright - there are over 150 societies and clubs, lively student nights at our campus coffee-shop-by-day-nightclub-by-night as well as a good few pubs and clubs in town. In terms of teaching quality, the lecturers here are experts in their fields and whilst teaching you are publishing internationally excellent research the uni has also just been awarded the TEF triple gold certificate which is a measure of uni teaching quality, and so if you chose to come to Bath your education would be a very high standard.

I hope this helps, very best of luck in your choices and if you have any more questions please get in touch!

University of Bath
thank you so much!!!
Bath is notorious for late offers - and for mass rejections at the last minute.
Hi everyone,

'Mass rejections' is a little inflammatory McGinger - I'd like to reassure you all that we have a very rigorous process for considering applications taking into account many factors, and the team do absolutely everything they can to get back to people as soon as logistically possible.

Yes we do have a bit of a reputation for giving offers late in the day but this has absolutely nothing to do with how strong your applications are, we just have to ensure that all applications are treated fairly against one another and looked at thoroughly.

At the end of the day you are the best judge of which uni is best for you - definitely look carefully at the course content, visit each city, talk to students and lecturers and try to get a feel of where you would be happiest. Wishing you the best of luck whichever uni you choose 🙂

All the best

University of Bath

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