Hi, thank you so much for your responses.
I spoke to my mom twice since then and each time, the second time being today after school and honestly she's just gotten more upset about it. I don't really want to talk to my dad about it since I just know he'll get angry again.
Our community here is kinda small, as in its basically just our family and close family friends, and none of their kids (according to my mom) have ever left home before marriage, even at our local mosque. I'm gonna ask around though even though I don't really want to have this argument again.
They basically just think that if I move out and live in a uni accommodation, I'm going to be in danger and get hurt, which I do understand but I feel like, I'm going to move out one day anyways, why is it different now? I'm not sure exactly what my parents are going to do about my placements, because all they want is for me not to move out. I tried explaining the logistics of travelling to and from placements to them, especially with early and late shifts because my dad would have to pick me up and drop me off and i dont think that would be possible every single time because he has back pain sometimes and hates driving for long periods of time, but it didn't really work.
Honestly, I'm kind of tired of arguing about this with them and I feel like just going to go along with whatever. I really want to do radiography, because sonography is my dream job but I'm kinda regretting picking this subject now like I should've just picked something easier that I could've done at aston or uob.
I would hate to lose a relationship with my parents and its heartbreaking thinking about it.
Also, I haven't actually gotten an offer yet, I have an interview on the 18th but because of this whole thing, it will be my first choice. But, (hopefully) when I do, I'll pick a hospital close to where I live. Originally, I wanted to go to Cardiff University, because they pay for your tuition if you do an allied healthcare course and agree to work there for 2 years after graduation, but that's gone out the window I suppose.
I do have an offer from Keele, which is about 2 - 2.5 hours away, which my parents are okay with me commuting to and from with so I might go to the offer holder day and ask about my options.
I'm going to email the Leicester team if I get an offer about what hospitals placements are at and I will also ask my cousins and others if they know anyone who's moved out for university and see if they can advocate for me.
Sorry this was kinda depressing, I wish it was happier. ☹️
Thank you for all your advice though x