The Student Room Group

what is the UAL uni experience like? should i really go there?

hi, im in my last year of sixth form and ive just applied for fine art degrees at UAL (chelsea, camberwell), UCL Slade school, manchester met and kingston. i am also applying for a ual foudnation. i did want to go to CSM but i was put of it because of some of the students bad experiences. i would really like to know what the uni experience is like at chelsea and camberwell and if their fine art courses are good. i would really like to maintain my social life as thats really important to me and just wondering if ual or london at all would give me a good uni life. if anyone could help me or give me tips on what i could do as i am worried ual might not be as good as it seems. also if there are any other unis in or outside of london that are good for a fine art degree or a foundation that would be great :smile:
Original post by izzydrain57
hi, im in my last year of sixth form and ive just applied for fine art degrees at UAL (chelsea, camberwell), UCL Slade school, manchester met and kingston. i am also applying for a ual foudnation. i did want to go to CSM but i was put of it because of some of the students bad experiences. i would really like to know what the uni experience is like at chelsea and camberwell and if their fine art courses are good. i would really like to maintain my social life as thats really important to me and just wondering if ual or london at all would give me a good uni life. if anyone could help me or give me tips on what i could do as i am worried ual might not be as good as it seems. also if there are any other unis in or outside of london that are good for a fine art degree or a foundation that would be great :smile:

Hi there, I hope you're well, I'm Charlotte a Graphic Design student at Norwich Uni Arts.

Choosing a uni can be really difficult, my top tip would be to visit them on open days where possible, as this provides the perfect opportunity to get a feel for the campus and meet current staff and students to ask questions.

Alternatively, the Unibuddy platform is a great way to message student ambassadors from various unis about their experiences and ask whatever questions you may have.

Lastly, have you considered us? My housemate is currently a year 3 Fine Art student here and is loving it. You can find the course details here: Norwich Uni Arts fine art and can request a prospectus from our website.

I hope this somewhat helps, I'm more than happy to answer any further questions. Good luck on choosing a uni that's right for you though... it can be a daunting process but it will all work out!

Charlotte, Student Ambassador 🙂
(edited 1 month ago)
Original post by izzydrain57
hi, im in my last year of sixth form and ive just applied for fine art degrees at UAL (chelsea, camberwell), UCL Slade school, manchester met and kingston. i am also applying for a ual foudnation. i did want to go to CSM but i was put of it because of some of the students bad experiences. i would really like to know what the uni experience is like at chelsea and camberwell and if their fine art courses are good. i would really like to maintain my social life as thats really important to me and just wondering if ual or london at all would give me a good uni life. if anyone could help me or give me tips on what i could do as i am worried ual might not be as good as it seems. also if there are any other unis in or outside of london that are good for a fine art degree or a foundation that would be great :smile:

Hi @izzydrain57

Great to hear that you have applied to Kingston :smile:

I don't personally study fine art here but I am part of Kingston School of Art so can give you some insight as to what it is like here. Also my flatmate does study fine art so if you have any questions in particular I can ask her and get back to you.

Firstly Kingston is a great student town, I find it is a great balance as it is just 30 minutes from the centre of London so you can still enjoy all that is going on in central London with night life and exhibitions etc, but then you can come back to Kingston where it is less overwhelming and has a great student feel.

Kingston School of art is based at the Knights Park campus, which is a great collaborative space with a river running through it making a lovely outdoor space to spend time with friends and the student bar is based there. As a fine art student your studios will be based in either the Avionics building which is just over the bridge from Knights Park or at River House which is a 10 minute walk away. There are lots of workshops based at Knights Park which are available to all students no matter what you study, such as printmaking, ceramics, woodwork and photography and film studios.

Here are a few links to posts I have made that have more information about studying and living a Knights Park and Kingston:
Student Organised Events Happening at Kingston University
An Overview of Kingston's Four Campuses
Social Life and Night Life at Kingston

I would really recommend going to as many open days or offer holder days as you can, as this really helps you get a sense of what it might be like to live and study at your chosen uni's. It also gives you the chance to meet lectures and students. Our website is the best place to find out about upcoming open days Open Days and events - Kingston University London

I hope this is helpful and if you have any other questions don't hesitate to ask :smile:
-Grace (Kingston Rep)
(edited 1 month ago)
Reply 3
hey izzy do u have instagram or anything if so add me b6ccaa , im also applying for some of the unis u are and js wanna talk :smile:
Original post by izzydrain57
hi, im in my last year of sixth form and ive just applied for fine art degrees at UAL (chelsea, camberwell), UCL Slade school, manchester met and kingston. i am also applying for a ual foudnation. i did want to go to CSM but i was put of it because of some of the students bad experiences. i would really like to know what the uni experience is like at chelsea and camberwell and if their fine art courses are good. i would really like to maintain my social life as thats really important to me and just wondering if ual or london at all would give me a good uni life. if anyone could help me or give me tips on what i could do as i am worried ual might not be as good as it seems. also if there are any other unis in or outside of london that are good for a fine art degree or a foundation that would be great :smile:

Hi!! I'm also considering UCL slade, Goldsmiths and UAL chelsea. Though I haven't decided on going to goldsmiths yet, I've heard that their foundation course is a great option. 😊At the same time, I also enjoy socializing and I'm a bit worried about UAL too. I'm keeping a close eye on the replies to your posts, haha
Original post by izzydrain57
hi, im in my last year of sixth form and ive just applied for fine art degrees at UAL (chelsea, camberwell), UCL Slade school, manchester met and kingston. i am also applying for a ual foudnation. i did want to go to CSM but i was put of it because of some of the students bad experiences. i would really like to know what the uni experience is like at chelsea and camberwell and if their fine art courses are good. i would really like to maintain my social life as thats really important to me and just wondering if ual or london at all would give me a good uni life. if anyone could help me or give me tips on what i could do as i am worried ual might not be as good as it seems. also if there are any other unis in or outside of london that are good for a fine art degree or a foundation that would be great :smile:

Hityaa! I’m applying for UAL unis and I’ve been to Chelsea’s open day! Deffo recommend going as you get an insight of the feel and size of the uni. It’s right next to tats Britain art gallery which is really cool! The studios are put into form groups in the first year. Can I ask as I’m wanting to go CSM what you heard ?

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