The Student Room Group

Will SFE fund me?

Hi all, first time ever using this. I went to university A where I did business management and completed first year before changing my course and as a result changing unis to university B. I hate my new course to the extent where I am going to withdraw after one semester. My plan is to transfer back to university A and continue on with second year or go to uni C and try to get a second year entry.

My question is, I know that the way tuition fees in England work is by 3 years funding + 1 gift year, if I get accepted on to a second year transfer, would my funding continue as normal as I would be using my third year out of 4 or would it come out of my own pocket because I changing unis again? Additionally, when I transfer over to either uni A or uni C and would like to do a year abroad, how would that get funded? Would I have to pay? Would SFE pay for the year abroad and the final year or would SFE pay the year abroad and then I would have to pay for the 3rd year?
Hi there,

So currently you have had 2 years of funding? If you were to go back to your original course would you have 3 more years to complete if you also had a year abroad? Is it a full time or part time course? If it was a whole new course you wanted to start do you know what university you would want to attend, the name of the course and the duration of the course? Would this also be a full time or part time course?

Thanks, Drew
Reply 2
Original post by Drew SLC
Hi there,
So currently you have had 2 years of funding? If you were to go back to your original course would you have 3 more years to complete if you also had a year abroad? Is it a full time or part time course? If it was a whole new course you wanted to start do you know what university you would want to attend, the name of the course and the duration of the course? Would this also be a full time or part time course?
Thanks, Drew

Hey drew, so yes if I went to my original course, it would be 3 years including the year abroad. It’s a full time course. It would be business management at Keele university (that was my original course) but my new one would be somewhere like Aston university going into second year. The question would be, if I went to my original institution or went to a new one, how would my funding be structured with a year abroad and without a year abroad, starting from the second year of the course?
Hi there,

If you were to be a direct entry in to year 2 of your old course and you were to also do a year abroad you would get funding for the 3 years of your course. So you would also be a direct entry into year 2 of the new course as well? What is the name of the course?

Thanks, Drew
Reply 4
Original post by Drew SLC
Hi there,
If you were to be a direct entry in to year 2 of your old course and you were to also do a year abroad you would get funding for the 3 years of your course. So you would also be a direct entry into year 2 of the new course as well? What is the name of the course?
Thanks, Drew

Hi Drew, the new course would be business management but it would be at BCU, even though I started off at Keele, then transferred to QMUL but intend on leaving to either go to Keele or BCU where I have the place confirmed for both instituions for second year entry but I'm curious about how funding would work.
Hi there,

If you are a direct entry into year 2 at a new university you would also get the 3 years of funding. You’re entitled to funding for the length of your course, plus 1 additional year, minus any years of previous study you have. Here’s the calculation we used: 4+1-2= 3 years of funding. This would cover your course as you start in 2nd year.

Thanks, Drew

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