You don't know how to spell 'college'?
Exeter College might accept more entrants for these subjects combined than many other colleges do (9 for Mathematical courses, 15 for Philosophy courses).
St Peter's accepts 14 entrants a year for Philosophy courses.
Worcester (15), followed by St Hugh's (12-15) seems to offer the most entrants for Mathematical courses in general. Although Lady Margaret Hall say that they 'plan' on offering the most places (2-3) of all Oxford colleges for the joint honours of Mathematics and Philosophy. But Exeter already say that, for Philosophy and Modern Languages and Philosophy and Maths combined they accept 4 students.
St John's (10 entrants for Mathematics courses) say that, since 1997, 60% of their Mathematicians have got firsts, 'comfortably' more than any other Oxford college.
Wadham accept 10 entrants a year for Mathematical courses.
Many colleges will offer this joint honours but these are the ones that stood out to me as having the highest number of students for these subjects, looking on their websites.