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Career and university help please!

Hello! So i just received my igcse grades which i got A* in accounting, and Bs in english first lang, economics, sociology, business, maths. I am going to recheck my fle, econ and sociology grade to push it up to an A. However, that leaves me with the dilemma of my a level choices as I would like to pursue a degree in accounting and finance/ business management, and hopefully a career in investment banking. But, I'm also keeping my options open for law, therefore I want a levels that are kinda flexible.

Right now, my choice for a levels is accounting, economics, history and math. but i genuinely cannot do math anymore for the life of me. I'm even planning to retake it this session to achieve an A.

As for my uni choices, i want to apply to durham, warwick, city university, aston and manchester for a&f or bst management.

Could anyone please guide me on my a levels, career and university choices? I dont really have anyone to consult on this matter, I'm also homeschooled so i dont have any counsellor at all. Thank you in advance :smile:
If you are saying that you struggle with Maths, then you might need to rethink your intended degree. Are you really going to enjoy something focuses on 'numbers' - both the course and eventual career?

And Econ, Accounting and Maths sounds like 'too much overlap'. Be aware that some 'top' Unis consider Accounting a weak subject and may not accept it.

And no-one needs 4 A levels - no Uni expects this, or gives you extra credit for this.

Useful career info -
Accountancy, banking and finance job profiles |
Accountancy, banking and finance |
Reply 2
Original post by furrowedbrows
Hello! So i just received my igcse grades which i got A* in accounting, and Bs in english first lang, economics, sociology, business, maths. I am going to recheck my fle, econ and sociology grade to push it up to an A. However, that leaves me with the dilemma of my a level choices as I would like to pursue a degree in accounting and finance/ business management, and hopefully a career in investment banking. But, I'm also keeping my options open for law, therefore I want a levels that are kinda flexible.
Right now, my choice for a levels is accounting, economics, history and math. but i genuinely cannot do math anymore for the life of me. I'm even planning to retake it this session to achieve an A.
As for my uni choices, i want to apply to durham, warwick, city university, aston and manchester for a&f or bst management.
Could anyone please guide me on my a levels, career and university choices? I dont really have anyone to consult on this matter, I'm also homeschooled so i dont have any counsellor at all. Thank you in advance :smile:


Could you confirm whether you are a UK or international applicant? If UK which country in the UK for funding purposes?
Why are you interested in finance and in law? Do you know what working in an investment bank involves? Do you know what different types of lawyers do? I suggest that you consider what you most enjoy in life, study subjects which you enjoy, and aim to work in a field that you will enjoy. I suggest that you don't worry too much about money or ideas of status, although of course it's good to earn enough to have a reasonable standard of living.
Original post by furrowedbrows
Hello! So i just received my igcse grades which i got A* in accounting, and Bs in english first lang, economics, sociology, business, maths. I am going to recheck my fle, econ and sociology grade to push it up to an A. However, that leaves me with the dilemma of my a level choices as I would like to pursue a degree in accounting and finance/ business management, and hopefully a career in investment banking. But, I'm also keeping my options open for law, therefore I want a levels that are kinda flexible.
Right now, my choice for a levels is accounting, economics, history and math. but i genuinely cannot do math anymore for the life of me. I'm even planning to retake it this session to achieve an A.
As for my uni choices, i want to apply to durham, warwick, city university, aston and manchester for a&f or bst management.
Could anyone please guide me on my a levels, career and university choices? I dont really have anyone to consult on this matter, I'm also homeschooled so i dont have any counsellor at all. Thank you in advance :smile:

Hello, :banana:

I would suggest having a look at the courses each of the universities you have in your short list are offering interest you. Really look at the course content for each of the courses you have in you shortlist and think about which ones interest you the most. Be honest with yourself - what would you like to study? If you don’t think you would enjoy it maybe consider another uni. One economics degree, say, in one uni could be very different in course content and delivery to an economics degree in another uni. Go to open days and talk to all the tutors and students on your shortlist. At the open days the careers teams will probably be available to speak to also, so hav a chat with them.

Also, there are lots of career and FE guidance websites that help you focus on your strengths and weaknesses such as Prospects. Have a look at these and take time to answer the questions to see what comes up.

Remember that the choice you make now doesn’t fix your future, there are always ways to get a different job to your original plan. Law for example has a conversion course you can do if you didn’t do a law degree.

I hope this helps! Good luck
PhD English
University of Chester
Original post by furrowedbrows
Hello! So i just received my igcse grades which i got A* in accounting, and Bs in english first lang, economics, sociology, business, maths. I am going to recheck my fle, econ and sociology grade to push it up to an A. However, that leaves me with the dilemma of my a level choices as I would like to pursue a degree in accounting and finance/ business management, and hopefully a career in investment banking. But, I'm also keeping my options open for law, therefore I want a levels that are kinda flexible.
Right now, my choice for a levels is accounting, economics, history and math. but i genuinely cannot do math anymore for the life of me. I'm even planning to retake it this session to achieve an A.
As for my uni choices, i want to apply to durham, warwick, city university, aston and manchester for a&f or bst management.
Could anyone please guide me on my a levels, career and university choices? I dont really have anyone to consult on this matter, I'm also homeschooled so i dont have any counsellor at all. Thank you in advance :smile:

accounting is not heavy complex maths...i would advise you to watch some videos on youtube on ACCA accounting syllabus so you can see if the maths is too hard for you or not. i am a first year and it is not hard at all so far with the maths, it is basic addition, subtraction, division and multiplication. mostly is learning where to put what correctly, so memorising is a big thing in my opinion. if you want you can private message me and i can tell you more...i go to aston and study a&f and never did a level maths/got a 6(B) in maths for my GCSE

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