If you're a girl, I wouldn't bother unless you have too much time on your hands and don't mind going on lots of really bad dates with guys who lie about half the stuff on their profile.
If you're a guy... I also generally wouldn't bother, because you'll likely get very few dates unless you're either tall and very good looking, or pretend you are by lying on your profile.
If you're a girl - be realistic, aim lower, and try to match with people that have similar values. Try to match with people whom you think you might be interested in if you happened to meet them in real life. Don't just match with profiles that appear to be the best looking. The top echelons of any environment tend to be more narcissist and sociopathic, and to add to the problem, many more people also like to pretend that they belong in that group. And dating apps - because they're online and relatively anonymous compared to real-life - exponentiate this problem.
You'll likely be flooded with likes, matches, and requests. Don't let it go to your head. It doesn't mean that you're "hot shyt". Are you a celebrity? Probably not. It doesn't mean that those guys are obsessed with you or that they even like you. Men swipe differently on apps than women do. Women swipe on barely anyone. Men swipe on almost everyone. The hundred men that sent you a "like", probably also sent a "like" to a hundred other women. It doesn't make you special.
If you're a guy - don't lie, and set very firm boundaries on your profile - in writing - from the outset. A lot of women on dating apps are damaged and burnt out from all the bad experiences, and eventually start reflecting men's treatment back at men, including even men who didn't do anything wrong to them. They often degenerate into situantionships, open relationships, dating multiple guys at a time for months on end, and all sorts of other games. So, one of the things I said on my profile, in no uncertain terms is: "Monogamy - Many here don't understand monogamy & need a reminder: I'm single and expect you to also be single, or go elsewhere. I've 0 tolerance especially on dating apps."
Last reply 4 days ago
Engineering vs. Medicine: Stuck Between Dreams and ExpectationsLast reply 1 week ago
heyyy , im new heree and im willing to have some friends xxxLast reply 2 weeks ago
Im 16 and never had a gf and it doesnt feel ok.