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Help please

Hi guys. I’m in yr 11 and I want to be dentist but because I’m in foundation for maths and science so I can’t do the A levels I need for dentistry so I was thinking to do applied science or another thing in yr12 and in yr13 change my courses to chemistry and biology A levels but idk if I can and even if I can, in yr 13 when I will change my courses it means I will be in college for another two years or just year 13 and then university?
Original post by Kiana .
Hi guys. I’m in yr 11 and I want to be dentist but because I’m in foundation for maths and science so I can’t do the A levels I need for dentistry so I was thinking to do applied science or another thing in yr12 and in yr13 change my courses to chemistry and biology A levels but idk if I can and even if I can, in yr 13 when I will change my courses it means I will be in college for another two years or just year 13 and then university?

Is there a reason your school has put you in foundation maths and science?
Reply 2
Original post by kate7530
Is there a reason your school has put you in foundation maths and science?

Because I came to uk in April 2024 from another country and English is my second language
So I couldn’t to give grade enough to move up and in march even if I will be get grade 5 they will tell me it’s late for move up in march and April
Original post by Kiana .
Because I came to uk in April 2024 from another country and English is my second language
So I couldn’t to give grade enough to move up and in march even if I will be get grade 5 they will tell me it’s late for move up in march and April

It’s not possible to change courses midway through the a level course as you learn half of the content in year 12. If I were you I would consider taking a short course at college whilst you retake the most important gcse’s, as having a high grade in these will also benefit your university application. Then after that take your A-levels. I am a veterinary medicine applicant, and it has happened many times where someone has been taking for example animal management at college before realising they want to be a vet, and starting their A-levels a year later. It may also be worth considering taking your GCSES separately from your school at a different exam centre, you will have to pay for them but if you are able to do afford it, and you are confident you are capable of achieving good grades by this summer then why not try. I can completely sympathise with your situation, when my dad moved to the UK from south africa they wouldn’t even let him study science, it’s a shame they can’t just trust you and let you have a go.
Reply 4
Original post by kate7530
It’s not possible to change courses midway through the a level course as you learn half of the content in year 12. If I were you I would consider taking a short course at college whilst you retake the most important gcse’s, as having a high grade in these will also benefit your university application. Then after that take your A-levels. I am a veterinary medicine applicant, and it has happened many times where someone has been taking for example animal management at college before realising they want to be a vet, and starting their A-levels a year later. It may also be worth considering taking your GCSES separately from your school at a different exam centre, you will have to pay for them but if you are able to do afford it, and you are confident you are capable of achieving good grades by this summer then why not try. I can completely sympathise with your situation, when my dad moved to the UK from south africa they wouldn’t even let him study science, it’s a shame they can’t just trust you and let you have a go.

Exactly. I just confused and idk what should I do
And what A levels should I take with foundation maths and science to be dentist
Original post by Kiana .
Exactly. I just confused and idk what should I do
And what A levels should I take with foundation maths and science to be dentist

Most schools will require 7s in the core subjects, and A levels in Biology and Chemistry, and most people also take Maths or Physics. Giving yourself more time and going for higher GCSE grades might also give you more information about yourself, to see if you really want to go down such a science-heavy and academically challenging course.
Reply 6
Original post by kate7530
Most schools will require 7s in the core subjects, and A levels in Biology and Chemistry, and most people also take Maths or Physics. Giving yourself more time and going for higher GCSE grades might also give you more information about yourself, to see if you really want to go down such a science-heavy and academically challenging course.

Thanks so much for your help ❤️❤️
Reply 7
Original post by Kiana .
Hi guys. I’m in yr 11 and I want to be dentist but because I’m in foundation for maths and science so I can’t do the A levels I need for dentistry so I was thinking to do applied science or another thing in yr12 and in yr13 change my courses to chemistry and biology A levels but idk if I can and even if I can, in yr 13 when I will change my courses it means I will be in college for another two years or just year 13 and then university?

get 2 grade 5s and classwork and ask to move up always raise ur hand in maths
Reply 8
Original post by Shen-4U!
get 2 grade 5s and classwork and ask to move up always raise ur hand in maths

Ok thanks so much

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