Hello, I am from Dundee, Scotland and currently taking HNC Social Sciences. I am from a lower-class unemployed family on benefits, live in a <5% SIMD area, went to a deprived school and have ASD. It took me a lot of effort to get to where I am now. There were the pandemic lockdowns disrupting exams, things going on with home life, mental health issues and not a good learning environment at school. Someone of my background is expected to be a sparky, plumber, supermarket worker etc and that's that. I'm at a stage in my life where I'm at a crossroads trying to figure out what I want to do. I can't ask my parents since they never even got to this stage.
So I put in for Classical Studies. I don't expect to get in at all, but I wanted to fill in my five available application spots on UCAS. I sent three to Abertay and one to Dundee University too. It's a shot in the dark, but if it lands then why not? Who says I can't? If I'm going to uni, then be as well going to the best one I can. I cannot live on my own due to financial constraints and mental health issues so I am staying at home. The commute wouldn't be a bother, more worried about the buses here being cancelled than the actual time it gets there.
What's the overall experience like? Are there any student societies? I don't feel as if the idea of the "university experience" is applicable for me. I am strictly teetotal and don't go out at night. And since I am staying at home, it's going to be different for me staying off-campus anyway. Main appeal to me is how quiet and safe the town is. Reminds me a bit of Broughty Ferry. One of the things I am worried about is classism. I've heard horror stories about Edinburgh Uni but know little about St. Andrews.