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A person with an insecure attachment style (typically anxious attachment in women), will more likely fear the consequences of a breakup, and therefore interpret this as a threat to them. To these types, a boundary is much like emotional blackmail: "If I don't do as he expects, he will abandon me". Whether they are aware of this or not, this is a self-centred relational style, not an empathic one. This type of person will feel pressured and manipulated, and so might take that as a license to 'return the favour' in some shape or other (such as cheating and then lying about it).
A person with a secure attachment, does not fear being single or alone, and therefore does not fear a break up the same way. They will instead understand a 'boundary' to be a healthy expression of another person's needs in the relationship, and will respond to that with understanding and empathy instead of fear. In fact a woman with a healthy attachment style and genuine attraction for her partner, will likely feel even more attracted if he is able to calmly lay down a boundary without coming across as 'controlling'.
Last reply 1 week ago
Engineering vs. Medicine: Stuck Between Dreams and ExpectationsLast reply 1 week ago
heyyy , im new heree and im willing to have some friends xxxLast reply 3 weeks ago
Im 16 and never had a gf and it doesnt feel ok.