Extension leads!! I only took one and it wasn't enough - I'd personally say take a short one for your desk and a long one for near your bed!
A small tool box! I had lots of string lights but no screwdriver to take the covers off to put batteries in🥲
Get some toilet roll, bin bags, kitchen roll, and cleaning supplies before you get there too so you can use them straight away when you move in! I've heard of too many people forgetting toilet roll when they first move in and having to borrow from neighbours🤭
Extension leads!! I only took one and it wasn't enough - I'd personally say take a short one for your desk and a long one for near your bed!
A small tool box! I had lots of string lights but no screwdriver to take the covers off to put batteries in🥲
Get some toilet roll, bin bags, kitchen roll, and cleaning supplies before you get there too so you can use them straight away when you move in! I've heard of too many people forgetting toilet roll when they first move in and having to borrow from neighbours🤭
Your duvet! Some unis provide them but others do not and so please be sure to check what your accommodation includes.
Memory stick! I know these are a little dated now but they may be useful for putting presentations on if you need to move them to a lecturer's computer to present.
Something fun with a story behind it! Something for a conversation starter. My friend brought a unicorn head-mask they'd picked up abroad, I brought my denim jacket from 1982. Whatever you have may also be a nice reminder of home.
Some games that you could play with your flatmates (e.g., cards or uno).
A raincoat or umbrella.
Things to do to relax (e.g., books and colouring).
Jackets for going out especially once it starts to get a little bit colder.
Tupperware boxes: This allows you to batch cook meals and save both money and time on days with lots of lectures when you might not want to cook
Something smart to wear: You may want to apply for a part time job, have a party/dance/ball or need to present your work to your lecturers so I'd recommend brining at least a few different things to wear to events like this.
String and small clothes pegs: Bare with me here, you can fix these across your room and then hang pictures of friends and family, business cards, reminders or just about anything off them and they also help to decorate your room.
Extension Chord- The wall sockets are not always enough and sometimes they are really far away from the bed in the room, so an extension chord is a good thing to have with you.
Mattress Protector- You never know who has slept on the bed before you, so it's aways safe to have a mattress protector.
Towel- This might seem obvious but it's very easily forgotten and can be a nightmare, so make sure you have packed your towel.
Bedding- Duvet and Pillows, not all accommodations provide them.
ID- This might seem obvious, but make sure you take some form of ID with you as you will need it if you go shopping or want to go on a night out.
Air Freshener- Your room has probably been vacant for a couple of months over the summer, so if it's all dusty it's best to have some on hand.
Games- It's a great way to get to know your flatmates by having board games for game nights.