Surround yourself with people you like spending time with - arrange to see friends after your exams, perhaps for a celebratory meal or a night out, or a simple walk in the park. Seeing others going through similar worries can be reassuring as it brings it home that you're not alone.
Talk about things - keep in touch with your family back home - if you're finding things particularly difficult or are feeling overwhelmed, consider talking to your personal tutor about it. Sometimes that conversation can be enough, but if not then they may be able to arrange some further help for you from the wellbeing service, or help you apply for extensions.
Reward yourself for your achievements - if you've just finished an exam or assignment, then celebrate it! Treat yourself to a chai latte and slice of carrot cake from the cafe, go out to town with friends, have a film night - things are always more manageable when you have something to look forward to.
Do something fun in between your exams and studying - sign up for a few student ambassador shifts if this is something you do, bake something, play some sports, watch a film or show, and (my personal favourite but not my neighbours), play a musical instrument and have a jamming session. Disengaging your brain from your work and returning to it later is a known method for keeping up your motivation and might even help you consolidate what you revised.
Get some decent sleep - if you can avoid them, all-nighters are not generally a good idea! If you can, try to look after yourself by getting a decent night's sleep every night, eating well and getting enough time outside (even just ten mins a day can help to improve your mood).
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