The Student Room Group

january mocks

I'm in year 11 and i have mocks coming up does anyone know which past papers are being used this year my exam board is aqa. Or do they just use last years since its not out in public?
Original post by fahima30
I'm in year 11 and i have mocks coming up does anyone know which past papers are being used this year my exam board is aqa. Or do they just use last years since its not out in public?

To be honest it really depends on the school. When I was in year 11, I'd say that most of my subjects used the papers that had not yet been released, but others (English for me) used different ones as we had not yet got round to studying one of the poems that was used. I think most schools will be wanting to use the 2024 ones as students can't access these.

I just had my year 13 mocks, and two out of my three subjects used the 2024 past papers. I hope this is useful :smile:
Original post by fahima30
I'm in year 11 and i have mocks coming up does anyone know which past papers are being used this year my exam board is aqa. Or do they just use last years since its not out in public?

Hey @fahima30,

Definitely agree with YoungPoet: it really depends on the school. My school used to create their own mocks using a combination of several years of past paper questions (e.g. two questions from last year, three from the year before that, etc). Nonetheless, regardless of whatever system your school uses, I'd recommend glancing over the past few years of past papers and answering any questions can you can from them; if nothing else, it'll be an excellent form of revision! 🙂

Best of luck in your upcoming mocks,
Eve (Kingston Rep).

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