woah ok so ngl seems kinda toxic both of you. My opinion is leave it as it is, you being a people pleaser and not saying No is a big deal always always always if you don't like something SAY IT. they key thing i read from that is that your not communicating. that guilt your feeling is technically. as for the "guilt tripping" "I really wanted to hug you today but I forgot and I wanna respect your boundaries" firstly this can be taken 2 ways her saying " i wanted to hug you u wont let me" OR "i wanted to hug you you wouldn't let me so now im make u feel bad" take it wich way you will.
For example, im autistic and i don't always like being hugged all my friends know this and if they was to hug me then they would ask first "can i hug u" if i say yes then hug if i say no then no hug and nothing else is said. Now for my bf if he holds my hand and if i pull may hand away first he would try to hold it again but i move my hand away and just simply say "sorry i dont want to right now" he would say nothing eles just a simple "thats ok" no guilt tripping,
what im getting at here is you guys lacked communication, im guessing you didnt want her at your house all the time, so you should be straight up. also SELF DISCAPLINE STOP GOING BACK ON YOUR WORDS (sorry but its true) you got to trust your gut feeling more if you something like "im gonna do this today" ACTAULLY DO IT same is if you say "dont text them today" DONT TEXT THEM set it as a goal how long can i go without texting them blah blah
over all just trust yourself communication is key and honestly listen to yourself.