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My bf sweats so much during sex

I'm f21 and my bf m23 have been dating for 2 months officially and to me it's perfect other than this one thing. He constantly sweats when we make love. By sweating I don't mean a little, I mean dripping. I try to be on top because if he is then his sweat drips into my face. He's honestly really good at the sex bit and it feels amazing but it pulls me out of the moment. I just don't understand why he sweats so much during, he works out regularly and does load of sport i mean hes literally got abs and he's never anything close to that sweaty after the sport and gym. Do you think there's a way I can tell him it grosses me out without being rude?
Reply 1
Original post by Anonymous
I'm f21 and my bf m23 have been dating for 2 months officially and to me it's perfect other than this one thing. He constantly sweats when we make love. By sweating I don't mean a little, I mean dripping. I try to be on top because if he is then his sweat drips into my face. He's honestly really good at the sex bit and it feels amazing but it pulls me out of the moment. I just don't understand why he sweats so much during, he works out regularly and does load of sport i mean hes literally got abs and he's never anything close to that sweaty after the sport and gym. Do you think there's a way I can tell him it grosses me out without being rude?

Some people sweat more than others, ironically it’s an evolutionary advantage.

Having muscle mass does not actually indicate fitness, he may be all show.
(edited 4 weeks ago)
Original post by Anonymous
I'm f21 and my bf m23 have been dating for 2 months officially and to me it's perfect other than this one thing. He constantly sweats when we make love. By sweating I don't mean a little, I mean dripping. I try to be on top because if he is then his sweat drips into my face. He's honestly really good at the sex bit and it feels amazing but it pulls me out of the moment. I just don't understand why he sweats so much during, he works out regularly and does load of sport i mean hes literally got abs and he's never anything close to that sweaty after the sport and gym. Do you think there's a way I can tell him it grosses me out without being rude?

I am probably the perfect person to answer the question, because I am male and myself have had that Sweat "problem" all my life .There are 2 probably causes ,unknown/unrealised psychological emotions can cause it and/or Hyperhidrosis (look it up) . It is sooooo damn annoying to the person who sweats. Personally I would not tell him as it might make it worse and he would feel really bad. At a suitable time suggest he find a Doctor to give advice as there can be cures.
Let me also make one suggestion. Find a Hypnotherapist and it is possible if it is emotions causing the sweating,which it can be in part a least, then they could help calm him down and sweat less.
Reply 4
Probably a symptom of his sympathetic nervous system going in to overdrive and a complement. Keep a towel nearby or perhaps the GP can help. Mind you the other extreme would be to have sex with Prince Andrew which would be far worse
And I will add. I am also "Fit" and no bearing on me sweating really. As I say try hypnotherapy and a GP best start.
Original post by Anonymous
I'm f21 and my bf m23 have been dating for 2 months officially and to me it's perfect other than this one thing. He constantly sweats when we make love. By sweating I don't mean a little, I mean dripping. I try to be on top because if he is then his sweat drips into my face. He's honestly really good at the sex bit and it feels amazing but it pulls me out of the moment. I just don't understand why he sweats so much during, he works out regularly and does load of sport i mean hes literally got abs and he's never anything close to that sweaty after the sport and gym. Do you think there's a way I can tell him it grosses me out without being rude?

real asf
Look up "hyperhydrosis". I have it and the same happens to me and it's pretty mortifying, tbh.
Original post by Zarek
Probably a symptom of his sympathetic nervous system going in to overdrive and a complement. Keep a towel nearby or perhaps the GP can help. Mind you the other extreme would be to have sex with Prince Andrew which would be far worse

No she would be too old for Prince Andrew probably.
Reply 9
Original post by Anonymous
No she would be too old for Prince Andrew probably.

Fair point

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