The Student Room Group

Stress over end of year 12 mocks for predicted grades for uni applications

I'm around 12 weeks away from my end of year mocks and I'm already stressing. Is there any coping mechanisms I can use to calm myself down? Please any tips.
Original post by Fluffy333mars
I'm around 12 weeks away from my end of year mocks and I'm already stressing. Is there any coping mechanisms I can use to calm myself down? Please any tips.

boosting this bc im in the same boat as u
Original post by user01234
boosting this bc im in the same boat as u

Reply 3
Currently in year 13!! Trust me, i felt the same way too last year because the grades we got determined our UCAS predicted. I know this might not work for some people, but I always journal and jot down all my worries and thoughts on a paper. It definitely eased me a little because it was like a weight off my shoulder. Overall, it does get easier. The moment I finished my year 12 mocks i was so relieved. If this makes you feel any better my year 13 mocks were far less stressful and every exam day felt like a typical day, but everyone’s different and they deal with things differently.

Good luck to you!

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