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Getting my Ex Back - Idk

my ex broke up with me 2 times. the first time we were together for about 3 weeks, and a week later, we got together only for him to break up with me in a day bc he "needed space" and "to work on himself". 2 and a half weeks later, our situation is just complicated. first he "pulls" a girl (asks for her number) idk her bc she doesn't go to our school but he "apparently" met her at a movie theater, and would keep saying where I can hear she's so bad and gorgeous and hot. then the next day I text him that I don't want things to be awkward between us so we should agree to just be friends, and he said yea js friends. 2 days later, he texts me saying he honestly still kinda likes me, and asked what I thought. I said I liked him too, and he says its js complicated. I then tell him since we both like each other, and it's complicated, what do you think or want to do? and he just says I have no idea. i have texted him 2 times just saying hey how are you? and i'm left on delivered, but then in person when I approach him to talk w/ him he seems interested in the Convo. then 4 days later (no contact outside of school) I email him saying how I'm not over him and that i've gone on dates (a lie lol) and talking to other people to move on, but everytime I would wish it was him, and that I really like him, and how its okay if he doesn't feel the same and I hope we could still be friends. he reply's I have to think about it, I have a lot to process rn. I said alr lol and he said but it's not a no. ok? and I said okay..wdym tho? and he said I have to think what's best for me right now. and I said ok sounds good. that was our last contact, and today before 1st period, I passed him 3 times (not on purpose) and he kept looking at me for like 5 seconds while he was showing someone else smth on his phone. then in choir, we were starting to sing BIRDS OF A FEATHER by Billie Eilesh, and he kept looking at me but we didn't talk. he then hums the words while passing by me "we should stick together" I still have to see him for the next 2 days until the weekend. what should I do? does he still like me, and want to be with me?
Is this the one whose grandmother died? Or the one with the imaginary 40 ex-girlfriends? Or the pianist? Or the one who already has a girlfriend? Difficult to keep track with all your crushes and boyfriends.

So, as before, don't do anything. You are both 14 and just messing around and calling it a relationship when you have no clue how to behave with each other. You can't even be honest with him! Concentrate on school.
Original post by Surnia
Is this the one whose grandmother died? Or the one with the imaginary 40 ex-girlfriends? Or the pianist? Or the one who already has a girlfriend? Difficult to keep track with all your crushes and boyfriends.
So, as before, don't do anything. You are both 14 and just messing around and calling it a relationship when you have no clue how to behave with each other. You can't even be honest with him! Concentrate on school.

actually they're all the same boy, thanks for you're reply.
Sounds like he's just using you. What's worse, he can see your feelings for him and he's toying with your emotions for his own cruel pleasure and sadistic enjoyment. I think you should just leave him and find someone better, someone who's actually worth your time and love.
Original post by Anonymous
Sounds like he's just using you. What's worse, he can see your feelings for him and he's toying with your emotions for his own cruel pleasure and sadistic enjoyment. I think you should just leave him and find someone better, someone who's actually worth your time and love.

I think you may actually be right. even if it's painful, what you're saying is true. but if I already told him I tried to move on, and i'm still not over him, how should I show I'm moving on and finding someone else without talking to him or anything?
Original post by THEODDONEOUT7777
I think you may actually be right. even if it's painful, what you're saying is true. but if I already told him I tried to move on, and i'm still not over him, how should I show I'm moving on and finding someone else without talking to him or anything?

Well, imo you should use your words and just tell him that outright if he asks. But otherwise, there's no need and you can do it through your actions instead. Don't rush into a new relationship or anything like that just to fill the hole he's left behind in your life, or to spite him and shove it in his face or just politely demonstrate that you're over him and with someone new now.
Original post by THEODDONEOUT7777
I think you may actually be right. even if it's painful, what you're saying is true. but if I already told him I tried to move on, and i'm still not over him, how should I show I'm moving on and finding someone else without talking to him or anything?

How are you not over someone you hung out with for a couple of weeks and when you messed each other around? And why would you be finding someone else when you don't need to be in a relationship?

You don't need to do anything or show anything, except tell him you're not interested if he says anything in future.

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