my ex broke up with me 2 times. the first time we were together for about 3 weeks, and a week later, we got together only for him to break up with me in a day bc he "needed space" and "to work on himself". 2 and a half weeks later, our situation is just complicated. first he "pulls" a girl (asks for her number) idk her bc she doesn't go to our school but he "apparently" met her at a movie theater, and would keep saying where I can hear she's so bad and gorgeous and hot. then the next day I text him that I don't want things to be awkward between us so we should agree to just be friends, and he said yea js friends. 2 days later, he texts me saying he honestly still kinda likes me, and asked what I thought. I said I liked him too, and he says its js complicated. I then tell him since we both like each other, and it's complicated, what do you think or want to do? and he just says I have no idea. i have texted him 2 times just saying hey how are you? and i'm left on delivered, but then in person when I approach him to talk w/ him he seems interested in the Convo. then 4 days later (no contact outside of school) I email him saying how I'm not over him and that i've gone on dates (a lie lol) and talking to other people to move on, but everytime I would wish it was him, and that I really like him, and how its okay if he doesn't feel the same and I hope we could still be friends. he reply's I have to think about it, I have a lot to process rn. I said alr lol and he said but it's not a no. ok? and I said okay..wdym tho? and he said I have to think what's best for me right now. and I said ok sounds good. that was our last contact, and today before 1st period, I passed him 3 times (not on purpose) and he kept looking at me for like 5 seconds while he was showing someone else smth on his phone. then in choir, we were starting to sing BIRDS OF A FEATHER by Billie Eilesh, and he kept looking at me but we didn't talk. he then hums the words while passing by me "we should stick together" I still have to see him for the next 2 days until the weekend. what should I do? does he still like me, and want to be with me?