The Student Room Group

Does he like me

This boy i like has a nickname for me and always takes my Chromebook at school so I have to chase him to get it back. Someone told him i like him and he said no but he is like flirting with me so does that mean he likes me
Reply 1
Maybe. Just start talking with him more and see where it gets.
Next time you see him tell him to stop mucking about with your chromebook and if he ever touches it again, you're going straight to a teacher to report him.

Stop falling into his frame where he thinks it's OK to take your valuable property and chase after him for it.

Assert your frame that you're a high value person with a right to maintain possession of your property.

Even if he loves you from the bottom of his heart, he needs to shape up his behaviour, big time, to be worthy of your attention.
Original post by Dunnig Kruger
Next time you see him tell him to stop mucking about with your chromebook and if he ever touches it again, you're going straight to a teacher to report him.
Stop falling into his frame where he thinks it's OK to take your valuable property and chase after him for it.
Assert your frame that you're a high value person with a right to maintain possession of your property.
Even if he loves you from the bottom of his heart, he needs to shape up his behaviour, big time, to be worthy of your attention.

Well it is like in a silly way you know how boys do that stuff
Doing it once as a silly game is acceptable. Doing it more than 3 times is not. As it's a pattern of bullying. One where you are put down. At that point it becomes unacceptable and you should do whatever it takes to stop this nasty behaviour from him.

I know that the law is broken multiple times every day in every school in the country. Just because something is common, that doesn't make it right. And it doesn't make it something that you should put up with.

On top of that, men are more likely to respect you when you respect yourself. And stand up for yourself. And stand up for what's right.

Men are more likely to be attracted to you when you assert your frame. And you don't accept their frame when their frame is detrimental to you.

Project the image that you are a high quality woman. And not a low quality girl.
Original post by Confusedcrusher
Well it is like in a silly way you know how boys do that stuff

Because something is a silly game doesn't make it okay, everytime he takes it his saying he doesn't respect you or your possessions and you only have value if you play his game, dance to his tune that's not okay
Furthermore you don't want a relationship with someone who communicates their feelings this way. What if they have something serious to communicate within the relationship? You want open clear communication you want a partner with the emotional intelligence and security to openly tell you how they feel.

Kids on this site the only time it matters when someone tells you how they feel is if it's openly and honestly not because they are playing some game
He doesn’t take it home and he gives it back if I were put down by it I would tell him to stop

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