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Bursary for medicine at st andrews

Hi, a home applicant here who got conditional offer to study the 5-year medicine course at st andrews. Im very confused as to whether students at st andrews receive bursaries or not, because I checked the SAAS website and it says that I wouldn’t be eligible.
Does anyone know whether you do get bursaries or student loans as medical student at st andrews? Thank youu

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Original post by Anonymous
Hi, a home applicant here who got conditional offer to study the 5-year medicine course at st andrews. Im very confused as to whether students at st andrews receive bursaries or not, because I checked the SAAS website and it says that I wouldn’t be eligible.
Does anyone know whether you do get bursaries or student loans as medical student at st andrews? Thank youu

Hi I’m not sure for medicine if it’s different but I think they should’ve emailed you with ur scholarship amount and they also made me apply to bursaries before they even gave me an offer I’m not sure if that’s any help
Original post by Anonymous
Hi I’m not sure for medicine if it’s different but I think they should’ve emailed you with ur scholarship amount and they also made me apply to bursaries before they even gave me an offer I’m not sure if that’s any help

Hello, thanks for your reply! I have applied for a scholarship and waiting a response, do you know when they usually come out? And do you mind me asking whether youre a home applicant? :smile:
Original post by Anonymous
Hi, a home applicant here who got conditional offer to study the 5-year medicine course at st andrews. Im very confused as to whether students at st andrews receive bursaries or not, because I checked the SAAS website and it says that I wouldn’t be eligible.
Does anyone know whether you do get bursaries or student loans as medical student at st andrews? Thank youu

If you are Scottish, it is obviously free, if you are English and don't meet the conditions for a scholarship, you have to pay. That's that.
Reply 4
Original post by stilllearning123
If you are Scottish, it is obviously free, if you are English and don't meet the conditions for a scholarship, you have to pay. That's that.

Hi, thanks for the reply. yes i know about tuition fees, but I’m talking about like maintenance and help with living costs, eyc
Original post by Anonymous
Hi, thanks for the reply. yes i know about tuition fees, but I’m talking about like maintenance and help with living costs, eyc

Get a job?
Original post by stilllearning123
Get a job?

Are you okay? Theres no need to be rude and obviously i would, but medicine is a very demanding course. Theres no need for this, you simply didnt have to reply with such negativity— i was only wonderi
Original post by jerseyygirl
Are you okay? Theres no need to be rude and obviously i would, but medicine is a very demanding course. Theres no need for this, you simply didnt have to reply with such negativity— i was only wonderi

wondering *
Original post by jerseyygirl
Are you okay? Theres no need to be rude and obviously i would, but medicine is a very demanding course. Theres no need for this, you simply didnt have to reply with such negativity— i was only wonderi

I know many who are doing medicine degrees, they haven't looked for easy ways past fees, they have gotten a job and gotten on with it. Same applies to you.
That’s good on them and I never said i wasn’t ruling out on getting a job! Is it so bad that I want actually know what i may or may not be entitled to, how is that getting pas fees? They’re there for a reason
Original post by jerseyygirl
That’s good on them and I never said i wasn’t ruling out on getting a job! Is it so bad that I want actually know what i may or may not be entitled to, how is that getting pas fees? They’re there for a reason

Yes, if you are from a widening access background or have exceptional circumstances. These are reserved for the people who really need them, not those who are looking to dodge getting a job. Most of those at St. Andrews are too posh to even ever think about getting a job.
Thank you for clarifying. I am indeed from widening participation background and my household income is under 15K. Please dont make assumptions— im very skeptical as to whether accetpt st andrews in fear of not fitting in. Thanks for your help in the end though
@jerseyygirl the best person to answer this is @GANFYD if she gets a chance to reply
you need straightforward answers and not value judgments or wrong advice,
so please wait for her reply
(edited 2 weeks ago)
Original post by stilllearning123
Yes, if you are from a widening access background or have exceptional circumstances. These are reserved for the people who really need them, not those who are looking to dodge getting a job. Most of those at St. Andrews are too posh to even ever think about getting a job.

Comments like these discourage people who need them from applying for them. It is unhelpful and presumptive.
Okay, thank you so much!! :smile:
Original post by jerseyygirl
Okay, thank you so much!! :smile:

😊 she’s great ( but busy ) x
Alright, I’ll try! 😅
Original post by jerseyygirl
Hello, thanks for your reply! I have applied for a scholarship and waiting a response, do you know when they usually come out? And do you mind me asking whether youre a home applicant? :smile:

Yeah I was and I heard back from them in May x
Original post by melancollege
Comments like these discourage people who need them from applying for them. It is unhelpful and presumptive.

Well I believe it should only be those who really need the money that should get it, what is the point in giving the money to someone who needs it far less, rather than making them get a job, preparing them for the real world.

This applies especially in medicine as you will be studying while actively working in a hospital for the end of medical school and as a junior doctor.

We should reserve the special rights to those who need them the most, not just anyone who decides to apply.
Original post by stilllearning123
Well I believe it should only be those who really need the money that should get it, what is the point in giving the money to someone who needs it far less, rather than making them get a job, preparing them for the real world.
This applies especially in medicine as you will be studying while actively working in a hospital for the end of medical school and as a junior doctor.
We should reserve the special rights to those who need them the most, not just anyone who decides to apply.

I agree, however for many bursary recipients, myself included, it is often difficult to know where to get the financial assistance that they're entitled to. You don't know OP's circumstances and implying that they are simply trying to avoid getting a job is very presumptive.

"Most of those at St. Andrews are too posh to even ever think about getting a job." This is a stereotype that further discourages lower income students from applying. It can be very daunting going to a top university, especially feeling like you won't fit in due to class or family income.

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