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Was speaking to a girl, who shall remain anonymous 'cause she rocks, but basically we talking about hairiness, basically :rolleyes: and preference...She thought it depended on the character - if she liked the personality, the hairiness would be second, but she said she usually liked a bit for manliness..Speaking as someone pretty much as smooth as a baby's bottom, what do girls think? And what is a tun-off, hair wise? :eek:

And how hairy ARE most blokes? :confused: :rolleyes:

EDIT: damnit, I meant to ask if no-hair is a turn-off, i.e., not manly, also?

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Reply 1

No don't like hairy chests or beards thank you very much.

Most men are about this <-----------------------------> hairy. :biggrin:
Reply 2

No don't like hairy chests or beards thank you very much.

Most men are about this <-----------------------------> hairy. :biggrin:

hehe helpful :rolleyes:
Reply 3
hehe helpful :rolleyes:

I did answer some of your question. :p:
Reply 4

I did answer some of your question. :p:

True, I was only being partly ironic :biggrin:
Reply 5
i hate it when my bf grows a beard... so he grows it when he's at ui then shaves it off just when he's about to see me. hehe

i generally don't like hairy guys, but some guys can look good with it (but it's pretty rare imo)

lou xxx
lou p
i hate it when my bf grows a beard... so he grows it when he's at ui then shaves it off just when he's about to see me. hehe

i generally don't like hairy guys, but some guys can look good with it (but it's pretty rare imo)

lou xxx

Austin Power-esque a turn on?
Reply 7
Austin Power-esque a turn on?

not quite... i kinda meant just a wee bit of stubble...

lou xxx
Reply 8
I'm a hairy guy... never really found it that much of a prob, ladies who like you just tend to deal with it. :P
Reply 9
I'm a hairy guy... never really found it that much of a prob, ladies who like you just tend to deal with it. :P

lol what is 'hairy', dare I ask? :eek: :rolleyes:

And Lou, every bloke can grow a beard, I was referring to errr elsewhere!
Reply 10
True, I was only being partly ironic :biggrin:

You meant sarcastic not ironic
Reply 11
You meant sarcastic not ironic

No, I meant irony - sarcasm is a form of irony! :wink:
Reply 12
I don't really like hair, except on heads
Reply 13
No, I meant irony - sarcasm is a form of irony! :wink:

They aren't the same thing. You weren't being ironic you were being sarcastic.

Personally i don't mind a bit of hair, otherwise it'd b like going out with a girl. Or a swimmer...
They aren't the same thing. You weren't being sarcastic you were being ironic.

Personally i don't mind a bit of hair, otherwise it'd b like going out with a girl. Or a swimmer...

What about on legs for masculinity?
Reply 15
They aren't the same thing. You weren't being ironic you were being sarcastic.

Personally i don't mind a bit of hair, otherwise it'd b like going out with a girl. Or a swimmer...

What?! I didn't conflate them, sarcasm is a FORM of irony - look it up in the dictionary! So I am right in saying that I was being ironic...
Reply 16
lol what is 'hairy', dare I ask? :eek: :rolleyes:

And Lou, every bloke can grow a beard, I was referring to errr elsewhere!

Hairy chest, belly... hairs appearing on shoulders (though I keep shaving those off) exceeeeeeeeeeeeedingly hairy legs... I shave my bits :P haha (I think it's ok to share that since its past the hour of 12)... erm... i can grown 1/2 arsed facial hair but my arms are disturbingly scarce of hair :s-smilie:
Reply 17
Thinking about hair, I once had a female maths teacher from Birmingham who refused to shave. Her legs and armpits were so hairy. Her excuse i hear you cry??? That only cyclists and swimmers shave!!! YES! AND WOMAN TOO!!!!
Reply 18
Thinking about hair, I once had a female maths teacher from Birmingham who refused to shave. Her legs and armpits were so hairy. Her excuse i hear you cry??? That only cyclists and swimmers shave!!! YES! AND WOMAN TOO!!!!

Dude, not nice!
Reply 19
Hairy chest, belly... hairs appearing on shoulders (though I keep shaving those off) exceeeeeeeeeeeeedingly hairy legs... I shave my bits :P haha (I think it's ok to share that since its past the hour of 12)... erm... i can grown 1/2 arsed facial hair but my arms are disturbingly scarce of hair :s-smilie:

haha. I'll sleep better knowing all of that!!!