The Student Room Group
Its not something I would do personally but I'm male, as long as the card is just a normal one i.e. its not addressed to sex on legs or something and as long as the wording is ok I suppose its alright; expect to get the piss taken out of you though
Hmm.. I personally think that's kinda weird :eek:

I'd send them a Christmas card, and I even send my favourite teacher a birthday card (she's more of a friend than a teacher now)... but Valentine's day... :confused:
Reply 3
can someone tell me why this was moved to health and relationships???
Valentines => relationship

And I think it's a bit weird too. Instead give a card for end of school year, or Christmas or something.
Reply 5
is it weird to send your favourite teacher a valentines card just to say that she is appreciated???

:eek: no :flute:
I did something like that whenever I was 6 years old! Haha, these days I think.. "Jeeebus.. I can't spend money on a card for my sister nevermind my teachers.." plus... my teachers are all old and ugly haha!
Reply 7
Yeah I think that's really weird, unless you fancy her.
dont do it
Reply 9
If you send one because you "appreciate" the teacher its just a little sad, but okay I guess...
Reply 10
A valentines card to your teacher?

Oh my

Well, if you really wanted too, just make sure nobody else finds out and that it's blatantly obvious that your not trying to ask your teacher out on a date.
Reply 11
I wouldn't ... at all. Unless she clearly knows you're just having a bit of a laugh. And maybe not even then. This isn't very helpful of me I know.
Reply 12
Nope, I wouldn't. Why not just send a regular Thank You card?!
is it weird to send your favourite teacher a valentines card just to say that she is appreciated???

Just a card that is all blank in side might help, then you write what you want inside. How old is the student concerned? I wouldn't exactly shout ouit "Oh my god!" if it was from a sixth former.
Reply 14
hell no! omgosh..... thats totally weird! i would go with the thankyou card idea if you really feel like you HAVE to!!!!
yeah i think they may take it the wrong way, or atleast some of your class mates might!
Why would someone do that for? Unless if he/she actually intends the gesture to be "misinterpreted"
Reply 17
Michael Mourao
Why would someone do that for? Unless if he/she actually intends the gesture to be "misinterpreted"

yeah, exactly! :elefant: <<< random, its just so cute! lolz