The Student Room Group

RE and RS

ok, more at GCSE than A-level, although it's probably the same, but what is the difference between RE and RS?
Im currently taking RS at GCSE and we study it in two parts:
world religion (we study Islam)
and ethics (from a Christian perspecive)

am I right in theinking that RE is more an education in your own religion (eg christianity would be taught at christian schools) while RS is more general?

PS: I know one stands for Relgious Education and the other Religious Studies but I mean what is the difference in course content or the way they are taught?
No difference :p:
Reply 2
I did the same thing last year..
Reply 3
There isn't one!
I did RE at GCSE and RS at A-Level... And all i know is that RS was harder than RE, but probably because it was an A-level lol. So what i know about the differences in the subjects are probably due to one being a GCSE and the other being an A-Level.

I wouldnt get too caught up about it tbh.
In year 7 we called it "religious education" in year 8 "religious studies" but by the time I got to GCSE it was "religious philosophy". We did Christian and Muslim perspectives and stories (creation stories, abortion, euthanasia etc:wink: just like you, but when i actually sat the paper it was called "relgious studies". It's very confusing!
In our school it was always RS... My Mum used to call it "RI" Religious Information, I think. There's no difference!
No difference :smile:
Reply 8
No difference. I always forget what mine were officially called at GCSE and A-level. RS and RE I think? Or the other way round maybe? :p:
For us:-

RE - Religious education is learning about different religions
RS - Religious studies is philosophy and ethics all from christain PoV
In our school it was always RS... My Mum used to call it "RI" Religious Information, I think. There's no difference!

Are you sure she wasn't saying, "Alriiiiiiigh'?" in a really chavvy accent?
Are you sure she wasn't saying, "Alriiiiiiigh'?" in a really chavvy accent?

Nah my Mum is the least chavvy person I know :p:
My GCSE was officially titled Religious Studies and that was learning about a specific religion- in this case Judaism. My A-Level is also officially titled Religious Studies and that is Philosophy and Ethics. Called it R.E. in yr2 though.
Reply 13
Are you sure she wasn't saying, "Alriiiiiiigh'?" in a really chavvy accent?

HAHA! Pos-rep for that definitely! :yep:

And yeah, there is no real difference between RS and RE - just what the words mean to you / your school.
Historically there was RE, Religious education, I.e. world religion comparison. Similar to the later RS (Religious Studies). We also had a much older